Teacher quits her job and becomes a Hooters girl – and earns “,000 in two days”

Teacher quits her job and becomes a Hooters girl – and earns “$1,000 in two days”

A teacher in New York traded lesson plans for Hooters menus, going from a low-paying, stressful job to one that makes her time and energy more worthwhile thanks to generous tips from customers.

Allinson Chavez, a 32-year-old single mother of one, told the NY Post that she can now bring home in two days as a Hooters Girl what she used to bring home in two weeks as a teacher.

“As a teacher, I made $1,000 twice a month,” she said. “Now I can make $1,000 in two days.”

She originally had no intention of working at Hooters, but after ten years as a teacher, the low pay and high stress became too much for her and she decided to make a change.

“I was living paycheck to paycheck, feeling trapped and mentally drained – it was time to move on,” Chavez said.

The change from teaching to Hooters was not her original plan

Last spring, Chavez resigned. Her plan was to become a software engineer, but after six months of training and applying for hundreds of positions, that career path didn’t land her a job.

That’s when she decided it was time to give Hooters a chance. Her sister is a former Breasturaunt student and encouraged her to take her talents there, and in September she did.

“I was hired immediately,” Chavez said. “I really like it here. People tip you just because you’re pretty.”

She knew she had made the right decision in her first week when she earned $100 in just 10 minutes. Today, she earns nearly $10,000 more annually than she did when she was teaching.

That was just the beginning. The tips kept pouring in. Her secret is that she really cares about her customers and wants to provide the best service.

“Hooters was never part of my plans,” she admitted. She would like to become an entrepreneur at some point. But for now, she’s enjoying the money and the reduced stress.

This is a touching story. This is an example of the power of Hooters. If you haven’t been to one in a while, go and show them some love. They change lives.

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