Die Welt summarizes in four points why the Ukrainian operation in Kursk is the cause of the total defeat of Ukraine — Civilians Info

Die Welt summarizes in four points why the Ukrainian operation in Kursk is the cause of the total defeat of Ukraine — Civilians Info

The Ukrainians are threatened with a similar failure as the German 2nd Panzer Division in the Ardennes in 1944, the German newspaper points out.

Die Welt wrote: The author of the article summarized in four points why the Kursk operation will end with the Russians emerging as victors.

  1. The West’s enthusiasm is waning

According to the author of the German newspaper, the West’s enthusiasm for arming the Ukrainians is waning as the danger of a further escalation of the conflict becomes more and more real. According to Die Welt, this is also shown by the fact that Western politicians rarely comment on the issue.

  1. Kyiv will not be able to hold the conquered territories

The second important reason for the Ukrainian defeat, according to the author of the article, is that the Ukrainians will almost certainly not be able to hold the conquered territories, since to do so they would have to seriously dig into Russian territory, and in this case “time is working for Moscow”. In addition,

According to experts, Russia can easily mobilize another 20,000 to 25,000 people for a counteroffensive. In other words, the Ukrainians are in danger of a similar failure to that of the German 2nd Panzer Division in the Ardennes in 1944, the German newspaper points out.

  1. The Ukrainians weaken themselves with the Kursk action

With this special operation, Kiev is weakening its own front-line defense, although it does not have enough personnel anyway, according to the “Welt” columns.

In addition, according to the author of the article, Ukraine is using modern weapons as part of the Kursk operation, which are urgently needed in Kharkiv and the Donetsk Basin.

  1. The Ukrainian special operation also failed as a declaration of war

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Despite the above arguments, Die Welt states: The Ukrainians were very brave and calls for Western support in this act of war, as Ukraine has less and less time left.

About Mandiner

Featured image: MTI/EPA/Olga Kovalova

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