Türkiye provides clean water in central Uganda

Türkiye provides clean water in central Uganda

The Turkish aid and solidarity association Cansuyu has donated four water wells it drilled in central Uganda to address the lack of safe and clean water in the region.

The initiative benefits over 1,000 community members in Luwero district who have to travel long distances and pay exorbitant prices to access clean water.

Bilal Değirmenci, international relations coordinator of Cansuyu Aid and Solidarity Association, said more water wells are under construction to provide free access to clean water to communities struggling with water shortages.

He said Cansuyu had drilled over 5,000 water wells in various countries in Africa and Asia, adding that more were in the planning stages.

“We focus on areas where there is no access to safe, clean water due to economic difficulties or lack of groundwater extraction opportunities,” he said.

“We have completed more than 5,000 well projects in 40 countries in Africa and Asia. We have projects of different types and sizes, depending on local needs, availability and project budget. We have wells with both electric system and hand pumps,” he said.

He added that electrical systems are preferable if the project is for a mosque, a school or communities that can afford the electricity bills.

Musa Kiggundu, principal of Iqra Kindergarten and Primary School in Luwero District and beneficiary of a borehole, thanked the Turkish people for providing clean water to the school community.

He said the borehole will help improve sanitation and health of the students. The water crisis affects people in rural areas more than those in urban areas. In some rural areas, people have to travel more than 30 minutes to get clean drinking water. The excessive time people spend in fetching water hampers their ability to work and affects the economy.

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