Wheel-n-Deals hosts a community dance on September 1st to benefit the VFW Hall

Wheel-n-Deals hosts a community dance on September 1st to benefit the VFW Hall

Wheel-N-Deals and Cen-Tex Plus Dance Clubs are hosting a dinner and dance at VFW Post 3413, 1701 Hunter Road, on Sunday, Sept. 1. The fundraiser will help cover storm damage and upgrade the VFW Hall’s fire suppression system so the post can remain in operation.

“The VFW has been a tremendous help in keeping our dance going,” said Billy Grimsley, president of Wheels-N-Deals. “They do a lot for the veterans in this community, of which I am a part. The VFW is a great place to dance and be a part of the community.”

Grimsley, who will announce the square dance along with Chet Miles and Gary Bible, served in the United States Air Force from 1980 to 1984. His father, who recently passed away, also served in the Air Force for 26 years.

Grimsley said square dancing is a great place for people to meet in person, and the VFW Hall is a great place to dance.

“(Square dancing) can be a great force for social connection in the community,” Grimsley said. In fact, he said, many people – himself included – get married through square dancing. “You learn a lot about people through square dancing. How they learn. How they think. It’s beautiful to see those relationships develop there.” Grimsley married his square dancing partner, Ramona Padilla, last July.

“The more people who join, the better,” Grimsley said. “Especially at a time when most of our meetings are happening over social media. We need a healthy place to meet people. Not to mention the exercise and mental exertion that square dancing brings.”

The Wheels-N-Deals community dance will be from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., followed by a spaghetti dinner from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Afterward, Miles, Bible and Grimsley will call for square dancing from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Donations are welcome. For more information, visit the Wheel-N-Deals website at wheel-n-deals.org/.

Interested in square dancing? Wheel-N-Deals is hosting an open house at the VFW Hall on September 3rd and 10th from 6:30pm to 8pm. The general public is welcome to attend.

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