Congress to remove 50% barrier for caste-based reservations

Congress to remove 50% barrier for caste-based reservations

Allahabad: Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi said his demand for a caste census was directly linked to protecting the country’s Constitution.

In his address to the Samvidaan Samaan Sammelan, Gandhi said that caste census was his mission and he was ready to pay even a political price for it.

“Caste count important for 90 percent of the population”

Gandhi said that the caste census was directly linked to the protection of the Constitution. He noted that it was aimed at giving 90 percent of the country’s population what was due to them. He said that if a large section of the population did not get what was due to them, the Constitution could not be saved and protected.

He said the caste census was not just about counting the people but also about determining the level of participation and control over the country’s resources.

The senior congressman stressed that even 70 years after the constitutional amendment, 90 percent of the country’s population is still marginalized and has virtually no say or participation in the corporate world, the media and even the judiciary.

Gandhi stressed that the caste census was not just about counting the population but was a political framework for the Congress party. He said that along with the caste census, he also wanted to carry out socio-economic and institutional surveys in the country.

Fair distribution of wealth

He said his vision was that wealth should be distributed fairly among the people and not among 5 or 10 percent of the country’s population. He said he wanted the Dalits, the underprivileged and the Adivasis to have equal participation in the country’s affairs and a say and control over its resources.

He said the aim was to find out what influence the Constitution has had over the last 70 years, pointing out that 90 percent of the population had virtually no presence or involvement in the Indian economy, media or other institutions.

Gandhi said it was important for the country’s progress that everyone was included. He cited the cylinders in a vehicle’s engine as an example. “I want all ten engines to work and not just one,” he said to thunderous applause from the audience.

Congress will lift the 50% limit on reservations

The senior congressman also reiterated that the 50 percent limit on reservations was not acceptable to him and suggested that representation and participation should be based on the proportion and percentage of the population. He said his party would abolish the 50 percent limit on reservations.

He alleged that the BJP government is trying to abolish reservation through lateral recruitment and contractual appointments. He said they are attacking the reservation from all sides, from top to bottom.

with contributions from PTI

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