VP Communities provides updates on bus and cost of living

VP Communities provides updates on bus and cost of living

Current Vice President of Communities, Justine Pédussel, has released an update on what she has been up to in her role over the summer. Justine was elected earlier this year after serving as Housing Officer for the 2023/24 period.

Their pledge included focuses on sustainability, the cost of living crisis facing students, inclusion and power building, and community building through Stirling University societies.

Justine’s June-August update showed some of the work she has done to keep her promises.

During this time, she says, she “worked with Sabbs across Scotland and the UK” where they “exchanged ideas and experiences on various campaigns, but particularly on the issues of housing, harm reduction and sustainability.”

New bus timetable

An update was also given regarding McGill’s buses on campus. Justine wrote that she attended a community meeting where buses were discussed and their punctuality. The result is that starting September 9, buses will run every 15 minutes between 7pm and 11pm. An updated schedule reflecting these changes should be posted at bus stops before September 9.

Justine advises: “If you have any complaints about the buses, please DM me with the date, time, bus number and what happened. I will create a list of complaints in preparation for each meeting.” The VP Communities can be reached on Instagram at @stir_communities.

Cost of living allowance

Staying true to her promise to help students suffering from the current cost of living crisis, Justine has provided a microwave for student use, allowing more students to bring their own hot lunch to campus, saving them money by not having to eat out.

“I have been working with the university over the last few months and there will soon be a microwave for students, although unfortunately no date can be confirmed. There are a few things to sort out around the plug sockets but this will be sorted out as soon as possible,” Justine wrote.

For students with further questions or concerns, Justine can be reached on Instagram at @stir_communities.

Photo credit: Brig

Third year journalism student, Bachelor of Arts with distinction in Journalism Studies.
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