Book signing “New Hampshire Warrior: Live Free or Die”

Book signing “New Hampshire Warrior: Live Free or Die”

Book signing “New Hampshire Warrior: Live Free or Die”
The cover of “New Hampshire Warrior”. Photo provided

CHARLESTOWN, NH – Author Laurel Smith of Charlestown, NH, has written her sixth book, New Hampshire Warrior: Live Free or Die. She co-wrote a historical novel about the Revolutionary War with her sons Cory and Dwight. They researched the military careers of four of their Revolutionary War relatives, including Laurel’s great-great-great grandfathers, during this period of our country’s development. Follow this journey of historical fiction to the beginnings of New Hampshire history.

New Hampshire Warrior is an essential resource for learning about and exploring the state of New Hampshire during the Revolutionary War. Was Fort William and Mary the first site of the rebellion? Did you know there was an underwater submarine called “The Turtle”? Learn about the Mast Tree Riot, the Spy Ring, and Benedict Arnold.

Laurel, Cory and Dwight will be signing books at the Return to the Revolutionary War reenactment at Fort No. 4 on September 21. All of their books are available on Amazon.

Laurel’s great-great-great-grandfather enlisted at age 15 and left the service with a crippled arm caused by smallpox. What price did he pay for his freedom?

Laurel Smith wrote The Quest for Quinnie, his 22nd novel.and Year of publication: “The Pinboy Chronicles”, “Hip Hopper the Hip Hop Grasshopper”, “Miss Olivia Goes to Bolivia” and a personal biography: “My parents told me never to write anything down, oops!”

She has published humorous columns in the Keene Sentinel and Our Town. You may have read her article “Believe” in Chicken Soup for the Soul: A Book of Miracles or Everyday Catholicism: Real Stories of God in Our Lives.

She has visited schools in New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, and Massachusetts and has spoken at various libraries, retired teachers’ conferences, Rotary clubs, cable television stations, winter carnivals, craft fairs, nursing homes, and bookstores. If you are interested in booking her for your organization, contact her at [email protected] or

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