Release date for episode 10 of “My Wife Has No Emotion” confirmed

Release date for episode 10 of “My Wife Has No Emotion” confirmed

Do you have a hunger that only the My wife has no feelings Episode 10 release date can satisfy? That’s kind of weird, and honestly, maybe you should see a doctor about it. You can’t eat release dates. But here is the release date for My wife has no feelings at least episode 10.

When is the release date of My Wife Has No Emotion episode 10?

The My wife has no feelings The release date for episode 10 is August 31st, which is pretty crazy when you think about it. What’s with time anyway? Right, the show has been pretty wholesome so far, although it’s starting to drift into questions of what life is, what consciousness is, and also what dreams are, which is pretty interesting. Also, a pillow had arms.

What happened in episode 9 of “My Wife Has No Feelings”?

My wife has no feelings Episode 9 starts with Super Mina having a nightmare and trying to figure out what’s going on because this just isn’t supposed to happen. Her mind falls on the non-Super Mina and it turns out that the two accidentally swapped some memories during their upgrade process. So Super Mina goes to find Mina and then talks to her and Takuma about what’s going on.

We eventually see that Mina’s former owner seems to have been some sort of scientist and that Mina has visions and some memories of how things were when she was being worked on. He’s basically asking her to experience the world in his place and to be loved and to love someone because he won’t get the chance to. That’s pretty heavy stuff, but hey, why wouldn’t that be in an anime about robot wives?

We will have to wait and see what happens next on Crunchyroll when My wife has no feelings Episode 10 will be released on August 31st.

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