The heat has had both good (big tomatoes) and bad (tick alert) effects on my garden.

The heat has had both good (big tomatoes) and bad (tick alert) effects on my garden.

As much of the United States suffers from heat waves, gardeners are experiencing dramatic changes.

I noticed them in my suburban New York yard, where the temperature was above 90 degrees Fahrenheit this week, with a feel of almost 10 degrees more, thanks to the humidity. It started in June this year, and we don’t usually experience heat waves like this so early in the season.

Of course, the weather is one of the main factors that determine the success of any gardening project. And as luck would have it, it is completely out of our control.

While we can’t do anything about how much sunlight hits our plants or how much rain (or how little) they receive, gardeners can take some steps to lessen the strain when the elements are at their harshest. For example, a thick layer of rain spread over the roots will help keep them cool and conserve precious moisture in the soil. Don’t water plants too often; give them a thorough, deep watering rather than misting them daily. When the sun is relentless, I’m not averse to balancing an open umbrella on the ground to protect delicate plants.

First the good news…

Many heat-loving plants are thriving right now. My Big Boy tomato vines have never been taller at this point in the season and the zucchini are already threatening to overgrow the back deck.

Cabbage, onion and corn maggots, which prefer cool temperatures, have problems with extreme heat, as do owl butterflies, so there is hope that even susceptible plants will have successful years.

Many of my perennials have started flowering two weeks earlier than usual. I plan to plant a few extra late bloomers as a backup in case they stop earlier than expected.

And my hydrangeas have never been more beautiful. Each of my 12 plants of various species is in full bloom, and many other gardeners in my area report the same. This is not so much due to current temperatures, but rather a nod to last year’s weather: Abundant rain in late summer and fall encouraged the formation of lush buds, and our unusually mild winter ensured that most, if not all, of those buds (and the stems they hang from) survived.

But the darker side…

Some of my Impatiens plants are stunted, even though their partially shaded corner in the garden offers them protection.

Mosquitoes, which are normally more active at sunrise and sunset, have been feasting on Jessica Buffet under the midday sun. Although the heat theoretically slows the ankle-biters’ activity, their metabolism and need for food increases as the mercury rises. And since I’m just another animal in the food chain, my role became painfully clear.

Ticks can become more problematic after a mild winter and also thrive in heat and humidity, so many areas are experiencing a double whammy of parasites this summer. Additionally, ticks were previously found primarily in the eastern half of the country and along the Pacific coast. Now the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency reports that “climate change has contributed to the expansion of tick ranges, increasing the potential risk of Lyme disease, such as in areas of Canada where ticks previously could not survive.” Protect yourself.

Earwigs, which love heat and humidity, are living their best life right now, and many of my plants have holes in their leaves to prove it. The good news is that the so-called “pincher bugs” are eating aphids, which are also around in larger numbers than usual. Thrips and spider mites also thrive and reproduce best in this heat.

And the snails! They are thanks to the above-average rainfall in spring.

If your plants are infested, you don’t have to resort to synthetic pesticides. A shot of soapy water sprayed directly on soft-bodied insects such as aphids, spider mites, thrips and whiteflies is an excellent control method.

Slugs can be lured to drown by sinking tuna cans filled with beer into the soil around affected plants. The same treatment works for earwigs if the beer is replaced with fish oil, bacon grease, or equal parts olive oil and soy sauce.

As for mosquitoes, the best deterrent is to eliminate standing water and place Bti granules in birdbaths and fish ponds to prevent mosquito eggs from hatching. An outdoor fan will drive away mosquitoes and other flying insects and reduce or even prevent blood donations on the patio.

The weather promises a mosquito-filled summer, but my glass is half full: I’m concentrating on my hydrangeas.


Jessica Damiano writes weekly gardening columns for the AP and publishes the award-winning Weekly Dirt newsletter. You can sign up for weekly gardening tips and advice here.


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Jessica Damiano, The Associated Press

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