Expert opinions on preventing atrocities, episode 35: Ardi Imseis

Expert opinions on preventing atrocities, episode 35: Ardi Imseis

Expert Voices on Atrocity Prevention is a podcast from the Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect. The podcast is hosted by the Global Centre’s Director of Policy and Research. Jaclyn Streitfeld-Hall offers one-on-one conversations with practitioners in the fields of human rights, conflict prevention, cruelty prevention and other related topics. These conversations are designed to provide insight into the personal and professional side of how practitioners approach human rights protection and cruelty prevention. The podcast is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, SoundCloud and YouTube. Please subscribe for new episodes.

In this episode, we sat down with Ardi Imseis, Professor of International Law at Queens University, legal counsel to the State of Palestine in its case before the International Court of Justice (ICJ), and former member of the UN Group of Eminent Experts on Yemen. Ardi explains the legal significance of the ICJ’s recent advisory opinion on Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories, and explains how and why the Court’s findings represent an important step in the Palestinians’ decades-long struggle for freedom. Ardi also articulates the international community’s obligations and explains his perspective on what steps it must take to protect the Palestinian people.

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