“The Serpent Queen” Season 2, Episode 7, Review: “A House Divided”

“The Serpent Queen” Season 2, Episode 7, Review: “A House Divided”

Catherine reorients herself. First on the list is Antoine Guise, to whom she confesses that she cannot understand why people fight over religion. Antoine suggests that there are false prophets, but does not want to commit to calling Edith one of them, since God should be the one who judges. Meanwhile, Flying Squadron member Francoise (Anne-Lise Maulin) seduces the leader of the Catholic League (and that too in a confessional)from whom she extracts the Guises’ plan to take the throne. Then Catherine visits Anjou and asks for his forgiveness. She loves him as he is and he is the one who will save the family.

Rahima returns and apologizes for her earlier disappearance. Catherine reminds her of her first lesson: trust no one. Everyone must choose a side; Rahima is no longer on Catherine’s side. Neither is Montmorency, who allowed himself to be baptized by Edith against his goodwill. (He says it is a matter of negotiation, not faith.) At the next meeting of the Privy Council, Charles announces that he will meet with Edith to broker peace by converting to Protestantism. He believes that marrying a Catholic princess will balance this out. The Guise brothers are extremely skeptical; Catherine pledges her full support to Charles and accompanies him to Edith’s camp, where she kneels, kisses Edith’s hand, and tells her that she is here for the faith.

Edith is unimpressed, and the conversion of a dying king means little. Catherine admits she has little to offer, as Elizabeth I has backed out. Antoine Bourbon is next in line to the throne, but he is a traitor. Why won’t they agree to marry young Henry Bourbon to Margot? Once the marriage is consummated, Catherine will hand the regency to Edith, making her the most powerful woman in the country. Edith suspects she is being set up, but seems to believe Catherine when she says her only wish is to not see another of her children die. Edith and Catherine join the crowd at the water’s edge where Charles is being led into the lake for his baptism, and Edith and Catherine gaze into each other’s eyes.

The final of The Snake Queen, Season 2 premieres on Friday, August 30th on Starz.

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