The 10 best episodes of Tower of God (so far)

The 10 best episodes of Tower of God (so far)

Based on a hugely popular webtoon. Tower of God was one of the biggest success stories of the 2020s. Although it feels like a fighting shonen, it breaks many popular tropes of that genre to offer a new experience. It follows a young man named Bam as he climbs an ancient tower. Tower of God gradually draws the audience into its vast world and its cast.

Although it is still early, Tower of God has many standout episodes that show why people love the show so much. Between the cool twists and action-packed fight scenes, most viewers will have different preferences for their favorite episode. With so many incredible choices, it’s no wonder the series became such a hit.


The tower in the Tower of God, explained

The titular tower in Tower of God is filled with powerful beings, magical Shinsu, and a number of powerful guardians protecting each of its many floors.

10 “Ramen and the Great Big Sky” ensures good cast in season 2

Season 2, Episode 4

“Ramen and the Great Big Sky” gives viewers a reason to care about the new characters in season two. After Lurker uncovers Nia’s betrayal and kills him, Ja Wangnan is determined to do whatever it takes to get revenge, even if it means helping Bam get to the next level.But in the end, the cooperation with Bam leads to Wangnan and his allies also surviving.

Although viewers don’t know everything about this new cast, “Great Big Sky” creates enough of an appetite to see the newcomers succeed. This episode shows Wangnan’s drive as a character and his willingness to take big risks if it helps him achieve his goal. With Bam now hardened after his experiences climbing the tower, Wangnan offers viewers a chance to see a second wide-eyed idealist.

9 “The Right Door” shows that not all trials can be won by fighting

Season 1, Episode 3

Khun of the Tower of God looks discouraged as a group of doors rotate behind him.

After two episodes introducing the plot and main characters of the series, The Correct Door presents Bam and his companions with their most difficult test yet. The rules are very simple: choose the correct door from twelve identical ones to advance to the next round. With few clues and no possibility of multiple attempts, Khun considers his few options in the hope of leading his team to victory.

“The Correct Door” not only expands Tower of Gods characters by telling Khun’s backstory, but shows that the trials to climb the tower are not always about who is the strongest. This episode also introduces the Crown Game, a bonus game that advances the story while revealing some of the Tower of God best fights.

8 “Last Chance” introduces viewers to new characters and a different side of the tower

Season 2, Episode 1

The main actors of the second season of Tower of God in conversation.

The opening episode of the second season was quietly the best choice for Tower of God. In “Last Chance,” the series begins with a brand new protagonist, Ja Wangnan. Trapped on the twentieth floor of the tower, Wangnan is on his last attempt at climbing when he meets the mysterious Ju Viole Grace.While Wangnan would do anything to finally pass the exam, Grace’s power seems like a wall that no one can climb over.

“Last Chance” expands once again Tower of GodThe series tells the world of Bam and offers a glimpse into the lives of people who can no longer climb the tower. It’s also inviting because it doesn’t immediately plunge viewers back into the previous season’s plot, which is great considering the first season first aired four years ago. Best of all, it reintroduces Bam as a no-nonsense, silent fighter who is able to take care of himself.

7 “Khun’s Strategy” adds hidden depth to one of the series’ main characters

Season 1, Episode 8

Khun appears next to Quant Blitz in the Tower of God, with Lauroe visible in the background.

In a game of tag that decides who moves on to the next round, Bam and his allies must survive against a Ranker. While the previous episode was the starting point, Khun and the members of Team A must deal with Quant Blitz in “Khun’s Strategy.” Khun’s strategic skills are put to the test as Team A immediately realizes that they are massively outmatched. from one of the strongest characters in the series so far.

“Khun’s Strategy” is good enough to set up a conflict where the protagonists don’t win immediately, but what makes it one of the best episodes is the twist at the end of Team A’s fight. The realization that everything went exactly as Khun planned not only makes Khun look like a genius, but also shows that his allies mean a lot more to him than they seem.

6 “The Crown’s Fate” shows how far Bam will go to protect Rachel

Season 1, Episode 5

Not everyone will be thrilled Tower of God from episode one. However, “The Crown’s Fate” is generally the episode where people become fans of the series. In the final rounds of the Crown Game, Khun and Bam are called upon to protect Bam from some of the strongest remaining competitors.

“The Crown’s Fate” not only introduces Endorsi and Hwa Ryun, other key characters in the series, but also significantly advances the plot of the story. IThis is the first episode that suggests that Rachel is not the friend Bam thinks she is. while she tries to distance herself from him. It also becomes apparent that there are disagreements within the Tower’s administration. “The Crown’s Fate” advances so many different plot points that many viewers will be hooked afterward.

5 Ball serves as a great start to the series

Season 1, Episode 1

The white steel eel coughs out “Baam” in the Tower of God.

“Ball” is a fantastic opening episode. It introduces the audience to Bam and explains his plan to climb the tower to find his girlfriend Rachel. Since he was not called from the tower, To be allowed in, Bam must complete a difficult task: He must survive against the White Steel Eel.

Bam’s trial isn’t the end of “Ball,” however. Bam is immediately thrown from one trial to the next, competing in a brutal battle royale against hundreds of other regulars. “Ball” not only establishes the rules of the tower, but also the three main characters of the first season, while also giving viewers an incentive to come back for the second episode.

4 “The Other Team” informs viewers where Khun has been

Season 2, Episode 5

Khun looks grim in the darkness in Tower of God Season 2.

After four episodes of focusing on a new cast, “The Other Team” finally addressed the series’ most important plot point. The episode begins with Khun, who has formed an entirely new team to take Rachel to the tower. Khun has only gotten smarter since the first season, and at the same time becomes more dangerous the more connections he makes.

It’s also great to see one of the most heinous villains in anime back. Rachel remains compelling while also being someone that people Really wants to see her get her just punishment. The real climax of this episode is Khun hinting at his real plan: to build a team around Rachel who already knows how deceitful she is and that she cannot be trusted.

3 “The One-Horned Ogre” reveals the harsh truths of the tower

Season 1, Episode 9

Endorsi of the Tower of God swings an energy weapon at Quant Blitz.

“The One-Horned Ogre” is the best episode of Tower of God so far. After protecting Bam for several episodes, he finally finds out just how devious the people in the tower are. Starting with Endorsi, the team begins to betray each other, each for their own reasons.

The second half of the episode gives viewers a hint of the harsh truth of the tower. Hoh’s speech about what it means to be chosen and Serena’s realization of what she has spent a lifetime running away from challenges are some of the strongest character moments of the series. At the same time, Bam and Endorsi’s fight against Quant is still a highlight of the anime.

2 “Underwater Hunt (Part 2)” contains one of the greatest betrayals of all time

Season 1, Episode 12

Anime Tower Of God Rachel pushes Bam

The highlight of the first season, “Underwater Hunt,” is Tower of God goes from good to forgettable. Bam and his allies are split into several missions to help both Bam and Rachel ascend the tower. Half of Bam’s allies must buy as much time as possible from the goblins, while the other half move from fighting the bull to fighting a member of the Royal Enforcement Division.

Within just a handful of episodes Tower of God makes Lo Po Bia Ren an easy to hate villainwhile also making viewers root for the friendship between Endorsi and Anaak. Although the two stand no chance, they luckily get help from a member of one of the Ten Great Families. However, it’s the final minutes of the episode that make the season. Seeing Rachel finally betray Bam just as they were about to earn the right to climb the tower made her one of the best anime villains of the decade.

1 “Tower of God” presents the series from a different perspective

Season 1, Episode 13

Bam watches Rachel in the Tower of God.

“Tower of God” follows the massive betrayal in “Underwater Chase (Part 2),” where Rachel pushes Bam out of the bubble to kill him. Rather than being a mere epilogue, it offers viewers Rachel’s perspective from the beginning of the show.

“Tower of God” is reminiscent of many elements from “The One-Horned Ogre”. Like Hoh and Serena, Rachel realizes that she is not one of the “chosen ones.” Unlike those two, Rachel proves that she’s willing to do anything if it means she’ll be seen as special. The explanation makes it even easier to hate Rachel, but even better: it makes her motivations understandable, if repulsive. This whole episode makes Rachel one of the best modern anime villains. The best part is that “Tower of God” ends with Bam surviving and deciding to climb the tower for real to find out why Rachel betrayed him.

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