Registered sex offender stalks girl at Home Depot in Florida: police

Registered sex offender stalks girl at Home Depot in Florida: police

Disturbing surveillance footage shows a convicted sex offender apparently stalking a young girl and her mother for several minutes in a Home Depot in Florida before a Good Samaritan finally intervened, police said.

Kevin Scott Hurley, 60, was at the Miami-area hardware store on July 4 when he allegedly targeted a 10-year-old girl who was visiting the store with her mother, according to the police report obtained by The Post.

Hurley – who was free on parole after serving a prison sentence for a child molestation conviction from 10 years ago – repeatedly tried to make contact with the girl, according to the chilling surveillance footage released this week by the Miami-Dade State Attorney’s Office.

Sex offender Kevin Hurley is accused of stalking a 10-year-old girl and her mother at a Home Depot last month. News 7 Miami

Hurley was standing next to the child in the return line when he turned to her and made a comment about her Disney souvenir.

“I love your Mickey ears and I think you’re too big for this shopping cart,” Hurley is said to have said to the girl, who can be seen blurred in the released video.

The child became uncomfortable and took off his Mickey Mouse ears, the police report said.

When he completed his transaction, Hurley turned back to the girl and told her, “I think you’re so beautiful,” the girl’s mother later told police.

According to surveillance footage, the registered sex offender was then filmed pacing the store and keeping an eye on the child.

He made at least one more attempt to speak to the little girl, after which the concerned mother asked a store employee to escort her back to the car.

Hurley was on parole after serving a prison sentence for child abuse. News 7 Miami
Hurley tried to talk to the little girl at the return desk. News 7 Miami

Hurley waited in his own car until the girl left the store, the police report said.

He backed up and followed the mother and daughter through the parking lot after they came out, the outlet said.

The girl’s mother was afraid to go to her car, so she walked to the edge of the parking lot.

When she turned around, she saw Hurley loitering at a stop sign right in front of her, staring back.

According to police, a bystander eventually intervened and approached Hurley, who immediately fled.

On the day of the encounter, Hurley was wearing an ankle bracelet.

Eventually, Hurley was confronted by a bystander in the parking lot and fled. News 7 Miami

Due to his previous conviction, he is prohibited from having unsupervised contact with minors.

The girl’s mother managed to take a photo of Hurley’s license plate before he drove away.

The photo helped police track down the suspect, who was arrested on July 23.

According to online records, Hurley was still in the Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Center as of Friday morning on suspicion of aggravated stalking of a minor.

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