Chinese scientists have extracted water from lunar soil

Chinese scientists have extracted water from lunar soil

Lunar exploration has long been the focus of scientists’ attention, and as the dream of human settlement on the Moon becomes more and more tangible, the search for sustainable resources is more important than ever.

Water, a vital ingredient, has been at the heart of this quest and has led to extensive research into innovative ways to secure it on the lunar surface. A dedicated research team has now brought us closer to realizing this ambitious goal.

The team was led by Professor WANG Junqiang at the Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering (NIMTE) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).

The researchers have developed a groundbreaking strategy for large-scale water production on the Moon, exploiting a unique chemical reaction between lunar regolith and endogenous hydrogen to produce usable water.

Turning lunar regolith into water

“We used samples of lunar regolith brought back by the Chang’E-5 mission for our study to find a way to produce water on the Moon,” said Professor WANG, stressing the importance of using authentic lunar material to ensure the reliability of their results.

The experiments showed that by heating the lunar regolith to over 1,200 K using specially designed concave mirrors, between 51 and 76 mg of water can be produced from one gram of molten lunar regolith.

This means that more than 50 kg of water could be extracted from one tonne of lunar regolith, which is equivalent to about a hundred 500 ml bottles of drinking water.

Such an amount would be enough to provide about 50 people with drinking water for a day, which underlines the practicality of this method of sustaining human life on the lunar surface.

Important mineral for moon water production

In addition to these findings, the researchers identified lunar ilmenite (FeTiO3) as an important mineral for water extraction.

This mineral, which occurs in large quantities in the lunar regolith, contains the highest proportion of hydrogen carried by the solar wind of all primary minerals found on the Moon.

Its unique lattice structure with sub-nanometer tunnels allows it to store significant amounts of hydrogen, which can then be released and used to produce water when the regolith is heated.

These groundbreaking discoveries underscore the enormous potential of using the resources available on the Moon, not only for drinking water but also for other important life-sustaining functions.

Preserving life on the moon

The water produced using this innovative method could also be electrochemically broken down into hydrogen and oxygen, providing both a renewable energy source and breathable air for future lunar inhabitants.

This process is crucial for the long-term sustainability of human life on the Moon and enables the establishment of self-sufficient lunar bases.

The research of Professor WANG’s team opens new doors for the study of water on the Moon and lays the foundation for the construction of permanent lunar research stations.

This work brings us one step closer to realizing the dream of sustainable colonization of the Moon and shows that with the right technology and approach, life beyond Earth is not just a distant fantasy, but an attainable future.

Beyond water production

The implications of this water harvesting method extend far beyond simply providing potable water and breathable oxygen for astronauts. By efficiently extracting water from lunar regolith, this approach can support several aspects of long-term lunar colonization.

The extracted water can, for example, be used to grow plants in lunar greenhouses, creating a sustainable food source and improving the quality of life of future lunar inhabitants.

This not only ensures self-sufficiency, but also means that fewer supplies have to be transported from Earth, which leads to a significant reduction in costs and logistics.

In addition, the ability to split water into hydrogen and oxygen on the Moon opens up new possibilities for energy production.

Hydrogen can be used in fuel cells to generate electricity and power lunar habitats, scientific instruments and exploration vehicles. The oxygen produced can be used to support human breathing and create a safer living environment.

These developments could lead to a more permanent human presence on the Moon and lay the groundwork for future missions to Mars and beyond.

The study was published in the journal The innovation.


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