Why hasn’t Doctor Who made an episode about the Lost Generation yet?

Why hasn’t Doctor Who made an episode about the Lost Generation yet?

Doctor Who has some pretty amazing episodes based on historical events. One of the best TV episodes of all time is “Vincent and the Doctor,” which takes us back to the time of Vincent Van Gogh. But there is one time period I really want the Doctor to travel to.

Often in the series, the TARDIS appears at important historical events or the Doctor meets some pretty amazing legends of history. One of my favorite time periods was the 1920s, and more specifically, the adventures of the Lost Generation – or more specifically, the writers who were part of that generation.

The Lost Generation is a demographic group of people who came of age during or shortly after World War I. Many writers of this period went to Paris and knew each other. The group of writers considered the Lost Generation included Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, John Dos Passos, Gertrude Stein and TS Eliot.

This has been portrayed in the media before, but one of the most famous examples is unfortunately the Woody Allen film Midnight in Pariswith a great version of F. Scott Fitzgerald (played by Tom Hiddleston) and his wife Zelda Fitzgerald (Alison Pill). Outside of Midnight in ParisI haven’t seen many delve into this world of expatriate writers who tell distinctly American stories in their works. (Yes, TS Eliot is American.)

It is simply a fascinating part of American literary history. Fitzgerald reportedly wrote The Great Gatsby while he was living in France. One of the most iconic American novels wasn’t even written while he was living in America! I just find it all so compelling, and the Doctor would too if he had the chance to meet these titans of American literature.

Give me my favorite show and my favorite piece of history

I would be happy if I could Doctor Who take the topic to replace Midnight in Paris. To be fair, the franchise has interacted with Fitzgerald before (the Fourth Doctor refers to him in an audio story called The Crooked Man), but we didn’t learn much from it other than that he met the Doctor, so why not visit his old friend?

The historical episodes of the series are really the favorites. Remember when the Doctor saw William Shakespeare? What about Rosa Parks? With all the big, bad aliens the Doctor has to deal with, sometimes we want to focus on the “time” part of “time and relative dimension in space.”

There are many moments like this in history that the show can capitalize on. It is one of the things I would like to see in modern Doctor Who did more. It started out as a history show for children to enjoy, after all, but if the Doctor is going to visit anyone from history, I hope he talks to his friend “Scottie” and we find out what the Lost Generation was all about.

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