Pump failure triggers tap water warning at Aviano Air Force Base

Pump failure triggers tap water warning at Aviano Air Force Base

A school at Aviano Air Base

A water pump failure at Aviano Air Force Base has led to a boil water advisory affecting two Department of Defense schools and other facilities in Area 1. Students and staff have been advised not to drink tap water until further notice. Bottled water has been provided as a precautionary measure. (Austin Harvill/US Air Force)

AVIANO AIRPORT, Italy — A water pump failure in an area of ​​Aviano that is home to two schools, a medical clinic and other offices has prompted a recommendation to boil tap water used for drinking until further notice, school and military officials said Friday.

The 31st Fighter Wing’s bioenvironmental engineering team issued an alert for Area 1 of the base following the pump failure and loss of pressure, the squadron said in a statement.

“During a boil water advisory, we treat the water as non-potable (not suitable for consumption) unless it is boiled for 1 minute before drinking or preparing food,” the statement said.

The wing said tap water in the area is still safe for showering, using the toilet, washing hands and cleaning.

“Although this is a precautionary measure, none of our grassroots agencies involved in this matter have observed any deterioration in water quality,” the statement continued.

The bioenvironmental engineering team is working with civilian engineers to repair the pump and will then test the water for bacteria, the force said. It expects the system to be repaired sometime next week.

Top administrators at all schools issued recommendations for students, parents and staff on Thursday evening.

The Department of Defense Education Activity added that schools would provide bottled water to students and staff, but advised them to also bring their own water bottles.

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