This Douglas Dynamics insider increased his stake last year

This Douglas Dynamics insider increased his stake last year

View insider transactions for Douglas Dynamics, Inc. (NYSE:PLOW) Over the last year, insiders have been net buyers, meaning insiders have purchased a larger number of shares relative to the number of shares sold.

While we do not believe shareholders should simply follow insider transactions, we would find it foolish to ignore insider transactions entirely.

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The last 12 months of insider transactions at Douglas Dynamics

Advisor Robert McCormick made the biggest insider purchase of the last 12 months. This single transaction was for US$307,000 worth of shares at a price of US$30.71 a share. This means that an insider wanted to buy shares even when the share price was higher than US$27.60 (the current price). Their opinion may have changed since then, but it at least shows that they were bullish at the time. In our view, the price an insider pays for shares is very important. It is encouraging to see an insider getting paid more than the current price for shares, as it suggests they recognized value even at higher prices. Robert McCormick was the only single insider to buy shares in the last twelve months.

The chart below shows insider transactions (by companies and individuals) over the last year. If you want to know exactly who sold, for how much and when, just click on the chart below!

Insider trading volumeInsider trading volume

Insider trading volume

Douglas Dynamics is not the only stock that insiders are buying. For those who like to find Small-cap companies at attractive valuations, The free A list of growing companies with recent insider purchases might be just the thing.

Insider ownership

For a common shareholder, it’s worth checking how many shares are held by company insiders. I think it’s a good sign when insiders own a significant number of shares in the company. Insiders own 3.0% of Douglas Dynamics shares, which is worth about $19 million. We’ve certainly seen higher insider ownership elsewhere, but these holdings are enough to indicate alignment between insiders and the other shareholders.

What could insider transactions at Douglas Dynamics tell us?

There have been no insider transactions in the last three months – that doesn’t mean much. However, our analysis of transactions over the last year is encouraging. Overall, we see nothing that would make us believe that Douglas Dynamics insiders doubt the company, and they own shares. In addition to knowing about ongoing insider transactions, it is helpful to identify the risks Douglas Dynamics faces. To help with this, we found the following: 2 warning signs that you should take a look at to get a better idea of ​​Douglas Dynamics.

But please note: Douglas Dynamics may not be the best stock to buySo take a look at the free List of interesting companies with high return on equity and low debt.

For the purposes of this article, insiders are those individuals who report their transactions to the relevant regulator. Currently, we only consider open market transactions and private disposals of direct holdings, but not derivative transactions or indirect holdings.

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This Simply Wall St article is of a general nature. We comment solely on the basis of historical data and analyst forecasts, using an unbiased methodology. Our articles do not constitute financial advice. It is not a recommendation to buy or sell any stock and does not take into account your objectives or financial situation. Our goal is to provide you with long-term analysis based on fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not take into account the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative materials. Simply Wall St does not hold any of the stocks mentioned.

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