Brief: Cheers to the Jaycees for a successful water festival – Detroit Lakes Tribune

Brief: Cheers to the Jaycees for a successful water festival – Detroit Lakes Tribune

DETROIT LAKES – Congratulations and a big thank you to the Detroit Lakes Jaycees for a successful 88th Water Festival.

“Blow off the door in 2024” was the theme of the 88th Water Carnival and that’s exactly what they did! I was blown away by this dedicated group of only 17 Jaycees who performed 70 events over 10 days for the benefit of our community and visitors!

The Jaycee team recruits former members, spouses, friends, mothers and neighbors to join. I’d love to name a few, but I’m afraid I’d forget someone, and that wouldn’t be Jaycee’s way. They’re not there for the recognition.

The Jaycees know the importance of volunteering, making a difference and having fun. The reward is that they learn leadership skills by working as a team and build lasting friendships while working together on this beloved community tradition.

I was only with the Jaycees for three of the ten days and was amazed at what this small army of people accomplished. I learned so much from them and had a lot of fun helping out where I could.

I’ve lived in Detroit Lakes for a hundred years, but I must admit I haven’t attended many events, so thank you to all the families who come out and have fun! Your support is important too.

I also found out how much the Jaycees put in financially. You wouldn’t believe what they pay for bands, stages, and the like! Luckily, local businesses donate a lot of money to make it all possible.

Have you ever thought about this… what can I do for my city? I would say join the Jaycees, they will welcome you with open arms and I bet you will get more out of it than you give. I certainly did.

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