New campaign to combat the spread of invasive species

New campaign to combat the spread of invasive species

The Balearic Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Environment has a telephone number 606 875 244 for members of the The general public should participate in containing the spread of the Asian wasp, an invasive species, in the Balearic Islands. The Balearic Government, through the Species Protection Service, has sent a message to the public reminding them of the importance of their collaboration in quickly detecting the wasp and stopping its spread.

The Asian wasp, which is listed in the Spanish catalogue as an invasive alien species, first arrived in the Balearic Islands in 2015, in the municipality of SollerTo help the population distinguish this invasive species from other native wasps, the ministry has created a special infographic.

This year, a total of 10 nests of the Asian wasp were found in Mallorca, in the municipalities Palma, Calvia, Mancor de la Vall and Soller. Agriculture Minister Joan Simonet explained that the collaboration of the entire population “is essential to detect the presence of this invasive species as quickly as possible.” Simonet explained that it is an insect with a very high and exponential reproductive capacity: “For this reason, the wildlife protection service must be notified immediately if one is found.”

The aim is to “eliminate” the presence of the disease in Mallorca and prevent its spread to the rest of the archipelago.he said. Once a nest is discovered, the Ministry implements the protocol established for these cases. The nest is removed and then frozen for genetic studies to determine its origin. The monitoring and observation program for the species is possible thanks to the commitment of the Species Protection Service and the Consortium for the Recovery of the Fauna of the Balearic Islands (COFIB).

In addition, the technical advice and collaboration of the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB) is always available. The species alerts can be transmitted through the following channels: WhatsApp (606875244), email ([email protected]) and through Línea Verde COFIB – Especies Invasoras ( and Vespapp.

The Asian hornet or wasp is also known as Yellow-legged hornet or Asian predatory waspis a species of hornet native to Southeast Asia. It is of concern in some other countries, including most of Europe, as it is considered an invasive species.

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