Otherside announces episode 2 of Project Dragon, scheduled for August 29

Otherside announces episode 2 of Project Dragon, scheduled for August 29

Otherside has announced Episode 2 of Project Dragon, which is set to premiere on August 29th at 6:00 p.m. ET.

This episode marks the next step in the development of the 3D action game designed for large-scale team combat in the Otherside metaverse.

After its initial release earlier this year, expectations are high for this second installment, which promises to fix some of the problems of the first episode while introducing new gameplay elements.

What is Project Dragon?
What is Project Dragon? Source: Otherside

What is Project Dragon?

Project Dragon is a 3D action game set in the Otherside metaverse, a virtual world created by Yuga Labs.

The game focuses on large-scale team battles, and to participate, players must own certain NFTs, such as those from the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) or Otherdeed collections.

The game is part of a broader trend of integrating blockchain technology into games, enabling decentralized ownership and interaction within the virtual environment. Otherside itself combines elements of traditional MMORPGs with Web3 features, providing a unique platform for this type of gameplay.

Project Dragon, Episode 1
Project Dragon, Episode 1 Source: Otherside

Project Dragon: Episode 1

The first episode of Project Dragon launched in summer 2024 and introduced players to the virtual city of Meetropolis.

Although the event attracted a lot of attention due to its size, there were also technical challenges, including bugs and a lack of sophistication in certain areas.

Despite these issues, the game has been generally received positively due to its potential, and Yuga Labs has been transparent about the game’s stage of development, stating that it is an ongoing project with ongoing updates planned.

Project Dragon - Metropolis
Project Dragon - Metropolis Source: Otherside

Improvements and new gameplay elements

Episode 2 is expected to build on the foundations of the first episode and include improvements to address the technical issues encountered.

While exact details about the new episode have not yet been revealed, the focus will likely be on refining gameplay mechanics and improving stability. The episode is part of Yuga Labs’ broader strategy to gradually improve the game, with each new release offering players a more polished and engaging experience.

For more information and updates on Project Dragon, be sure to follow Otherside Meta on X.

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