Kanye West wanted to change his name to a swastika

Kanye West wanted to change his name to a swastika

Kanye West

Photo by Evan Agostini/Invision/AP, File

Confessed neo-Nazi Nick Fuentes shared a shocking story about rapper Kanye Westwho is widely accused of spreading anti-Semitic hatred when he commented on the Democratic Party Convention on the right-wing video platform Rumble on Wednesday evening.

Fuentes, whom West famously invited to dinner at Mar-a-Lago with Donald Trumphas long been making headlines for his far-right activism, hateful rhetoric, and as the leader of the so-called “Groyper Army.”

“One day he called me and I was in. What hotel? I thought I was at the Marriott in Santa Monica. I was at the Marriott in Santa Monica. I was chilling in bed. We worked all day and in December I was working on the phone. On a tweet. We’re writing a tweet. And I’m in a bad spot. I’m sitting on my laptop and he calls me and says, ‘Hey, what’s up? How’s it going?’ I say, ‘Hey, what’s up?’ And he says, ‘Hey!’ He says, ‘So what if I?'” Fuentes began, laughing.

“He told me, ‘I don’t even know if I should tell this story.’ And that’s one of the recordings I have. Honestly, it was the funniest thing I’ve ever heard in my life. I really laughed so hard,” Fuentes continued, adding:

He told me he was going to change his name to a swastika. I’m not kidding. So, to all of you who say I made him a Nazi, I’m not. He called me out of the blue one afternoon and said, “So what if I change my name to a swastika?” And he started laughing and I die? I thought, “That’s the funniest thing I’ve ever heard.” He said, “True, true.”

He says because then when they say my name on TV they have to put a swastika on the angle. I, it’s like, dude, I’m like. And I told them, I’m like. I’m like, I wouldn’t do it if they just put the letters. He says, no, no, no. He says, no, I’m not changing my name to the word. He says, he said, he corrected me. He said his name would not be spelled “SWA,” he says, no, his name would be spelled “Swastika.” It would be the symbol.

And I was. And he was serious. I was laughing my head off. I thought, well, why don’t we think about this? I thought, this is a pretty big decision. I thought, maybe we should wait. But this is no joke. He thought, what if I? And that was one of the many ideas he put on hold. I thought, yeah, that’s probably for the best. This was after the Alex Jones interview, which by the way, people keep saying, oh, you support Kanye. It’s like they’re saying, yeah, that’s my president. That’s my president.

Fuentes and West appeared on Alex Jones’ InfoWars in December 2022 after having dinner with Trump around Thanksgiving. On the show, West declared his allegiance to Hitler, which is a frequent topic of conversation for Fuentes – who denies the Holocaust and calls for the execution of non-Christians.

Fuentes has long been active in far-right US politics and has previously hosted a conference that was intended as a counter-program to CPAC and at which lawmakers also gave speeches. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and Paul Gosar (R-AZ).

Fuentes’ “Groyper Army” is a loose network of alt-right figures who are vocal supporters of white nationalist ideals and frequently visit mainstream conservative events to push conservatism further toward right-wing extremism. A former staffer in Gosar’s office was recently reportedly linked to Fuentes and the Groypers.

Fuentes is known for adding violent imagery to his neo-Nazi tirades. In January, he vowed to kill if Trump asked him to: “I am a soldier for Donald Trump. I am part of Donald Trump, my supreme leader, serving him for his personal pleasure. I am part of the paramilitary wing of the Trump movement. I am part of the Revolutionary Guard. I am not accountable to the Pentagon. I am not accountable to the civilian government. I am accountable. I am Donald Trump’s Praetorian Guard. If Donald Trump ordered me to carry out an extrajudicial killing, I would carry it out.”

Watch the clip above.

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