Beaufort County to change disinfectants in water system this fall

Beaufort County to change disinfectants in water system this fall

Beaufort County authorities have announced a temporary change to water treatment that will begin next month.

City officials say Beaufort County’s Southside water system will temporarily switch to free chlorine instead of chloramines. This scheduled disinfectant switch is standard water treatment practice. State guidelines recommend that water systems that use chloramines be periodically switched back to free chlorine for at least four weeks.

This change will affect all Beaufort County Water water customers south of the Pamlico River, except residents in the Whichard’s Beach area from September 2 through November.

Customers may notice a slight change in the taste or odor of the tap water. The city is asking customers not to do laundry if discolored water is evident, as it can discolor light-colored clothing. The water is still safe to drink and is treated according to state and federal standards.

Officials say customers who use tap water for kidney dialysis at home should talk to their doctor to determine if any changes need to be made.

For more information, contact the Beaufort County Water Department at 252-975-0720.

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