How a fan convinced Gentlebros to add gender options to Cat Quest 3

How a fan convinced Gentlebros to add gender options to Cat Quest 3

Going to sea as a pirate – or in the case of Cat Quest 3a Purrivateer – evokes many clear images. Most clearly this can be images of men like Blackbeard or rock stars from the colonial era like pirates of the Caribbean‘s Jack Sparrow. Sometimes, however, people remember the imperious woman of the high seas as the legendary Irish pirate queen Grianne “Grace” O’Malley, the pirate who stood eye to eye with Queen Elizabeth.

Grace was not forgotten by Cat Quest 3 Developer The Gentlebros. In a recent interview with Game Rant, the studio’s CEO Desmond Wong revealed the touching reason why the girls under the pirate flag are part of the studio’s latest title.


The 13 best fantasy games with female protagonists (according to Metacritic)

Female protagonists are rare in video games, but these ten phenomenal fantasy games featured some amazing female characters.

Sailing as Neel Catpurr

Although most captains during the heyday of piracy appear to have been men, there is actually a rich history of female pirates. In addition to the aforementioned O’Malley, there were examples such as her Chinese counterpart Shi Yang, better known as Zheng Yi Sao, who commanded 24 ships and nearly 1,500 pirates. The Golden Age of Piracy saw figures such as Anne Bonny, Marie-Anne de Graff, and American pirate Flora Burn fly the black flag. After her time as a Golden Age pirate, Cornelia “Neel” Cuyper opened a resort for pirates in Labadee, Haiti.

When Wong decided to include the option to sail as a pirate queen, Cat Quest 3, There was no shortage of powerful and inspiring pirate women to draw on. But that wasn’t where the idea originated for him. In truth Cat Quest In form, the answer is sweeter and healthier than any of these historical figures.

“We have received a lot of messages from fans of the
Cat Quest
games, and one in particular stuck out in our minds; it was from a little girl in the UK who said she always wanted to play a female cat and asked us why she couldn’t. That message stuck with us, and we wanted to do our best to give her that opportunity this time. Little girl, if you’re reading this, this was for you.”

It is the pathos of Cat Quest to present the warmest, coziest and sweetest depiction of the things it focuses on, and in its approach to pirates, Cat Quest 3 is no different. The fact that a particularly passionate letter from a young fan was the main reason for the decision is absolutely in line with what Gentlebros does as a studio.

It fits with the way the game handles the golden age of piracy. The main reason for the game’s theme and setting, after all, was that “pi-rat” was a great pun. From its cute visual style to its sailing mechanics, which abandon the stereotypical slow, lumbering progress of a giant frigate in favor of something nimble and agile, worthy of a cat.

Sailing west of Felingard, home of the former Cat Quest Games, players will have a new way to do old things, from hunting legends of mythical treasures – rumor has it that the North Star itself has fallen into the Purribean Sea – to traveling through dungeons that now feature side-scrolling as well as traditional Cat Quest Dungeon formats. But most importantly, a little girl in the UK who might dream of one day being Grace O’Malley herself can see herself in the game.

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