Missoula officials remove infrastructure funding levy from November ballot

Missoula officials remove infrastructure funding levy from November ballot

Missoula County officials this week removed a proposal for a local infrastructure tax from the November ballot, citing ongoing concerns about the price shock in Montana’s property taxes.

The levy would have raised nearly $2 million annually to fund maintenance, construction and other improvements to local roads, bridges and trails.

County Commissioner Josh Slotnick describes Missoula’s infrastructure needs as acute.

“Our roads and bridges really need attention and with each passing year we fall further behind instead of making up ground,” he says.

Despite the need, Slotnick and his fellow commissioners withdrew the tax issue from the November vote on Wednesday.

Slotnick tells MTPR that this decision was based on two factors: ongoing property tax fatigue and a new impetus to solve the problem.

Property taxes have increased by 20% or more for many Montana households in the last year. Governor Greg Gianforte and his Democratic challenger Ryan Busse recently put forward competing proposals for property tax reform.

Josh Slotnick says the best thing to do now is to wait and see.

“Maybe we don’t have to ask our voters to make this really difficult decision,” Slotnick says.

Depending on how state lawmakers handle the issue, the county commission may consider putting the measure back on the ballot next year.

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