Release date of episode 9 of “My Wife Has No Emotion” confirmed

Release date of episode 9 of “My Wife Has No Emotion” confirmed

We have the My wife has no feelings Episode 9 release date. It’s cooking on the stove right now. If you sit down, it’ll be ready in a second. All right, now it’s actually ready, so let’s get started.

When is the release date of episode 9 of “My Wife Has No Emotion”?

The My wife has no feelings The release date for episode 9 is August 25th. The series has now reached a new level of weirdness after the interorganic couple adopted a little robot baby. Now we get to see Mina as the mother of the cute little bot. This is all incredibly weird, and let’s be honest, it was pretty weird from the start. Speaking of robots and whatnot, let’s talk about what happened last time.

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What happened in episode 8 of “My Wife Has No Feelings”?

Episode 8 starts with Mina explaining how to make predictions, how to register heat and cold, and what the perfect temperature is. From there, we see a few things happen, including Mina explaining knife use safely to Takuma while holding a knife to his face. It seems like Mina has learned a lot about her own ability to assert her own will, which has been greatly enhanced by the upgrades. We also see the three of them sharing a bed, which is a stressful way for parents to live.

Then Takuma sees a new robot, which reveals how robots see the world and how the world sees robots. It’s an interesting scenario that also involves the troll problem for Mamoru that a child can’t handle. We’ll find out what happens next when My wife has no feelings Episode 9 will be released on Crunchyroll.

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