Lentiful founder surprisingly wins Naturally Network’s National Pitch Slam 2024

Lentiful founder surprisingly wins Naturally Network’s National Pitch Slam 2024

Before the results of the 2024 Connect naturally National Pitch Slam were announced, Ben Bacon sat quietly in front of his computer in a small conference room at New Hope Network’s office in Boulder, Colorado.

Naturally Network’s National Pitch Slam was a little different this year. Instead of meeting in person, participants had to regional pitch slamsand then record new pitches for judges and voters to watch online. On August 8, several regional associations hosted watch parties where regional winners gave a five-minute virtual presentation and spent another five minutes answering judges’ questions.

Ben Bacon, founder of Lentiful, answers questions from the judges during a live broadcast of the Naturally Network National Pitch Slam on August 8, 2024. Photo credit: Victoria AF Camron

Ninety minutes have passed since the founder of Lentiful, a quick-to-prepare, convenient lentil dish, faced the five judges. Bacon, the second moderator, watched the seven finalists who followed and mingled with Naturally Boulder members and New Hope Network staff who attended the watch party.

After a long deliberation, the judges returned and Bacon was at his computer. The judges announced the winner of the People’s Choice Award, Rooted Fare. They announced the runner-up, Evergreen. When Emily Groden thanked them, Bacon said he didn’t think he would win.

He had barely uttered the words when the jury announced the winner of the main prize: Lentiful, the brand that Bacon founded in his kitchen just 18 months ago.

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It was not Bacon’s first win. Lentiful also received a 2024 NEXTY Award for the best plant party at the Natural Products Expo West in March.

When it comes to getting Lentiful into consumers’ pantries, Bacon is also finding success: He’s sold over $1 million worth of products on Shopify, an online sales platform. “Then retailers like Thrive and Whole Foods, Wegmans and Hy Vee and Walmart started calling,” Bacon said. “We’re going to go into 1,000 stores in the next 90 days. So it’s a really exciting time for Lentiful. People are excited about it. Retailers are excited about it and lentil farmers are excited about it.”

How does he do it? How does he get people across the country to buy lentils? Bacon is doing demonstrations in stores. “I’ll be in the Pacific Northwest (Northern California). I’ve been to 40 stores already, sort of scouting them out.”

He’s working on promotions for Whole Foods Market in January; for the online marketplace Thrive Market, Lentiful will be a “buy with” gift that will give customers 4,000 homemade chili cups for free. And Bacon has run ads on Facebook that have garnered 20 million views, he said.

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Naturally Network members and New Hope Network staff help Bacon celebrate his Pitch Slam win during the live broadcast. Photo credit: Victoria AF Camron

Bacon was thanking the judges when the crowd heard the news due to the broadcast delay. The roar echoed from the assembly into the courtroom. His fans and supporters rushed in, cheering and shaking Lentiful cups as if they were maracas. And they did sound like maracas.

The main prize package includes a stand at Natural Products Expo West 2025starting March 4, scholarships for SupplySide West in October, data services and more. All regional winners received a booth at this month’s Newtopia now; six of the nine will exhibit.

Bacon provided all kinds of lentil soup cups for the Naturally Network Pitch Slam Watch Party on August 8, 2024 in Boulder, Colorado.

How a guy named Bacon makes it with plant-based consumer goods

Bacon has clearly found a niche with Lentiful. He and his wife are trying to eat more plant-based meals, but they needed a convenient alternative that fits their lives with demanding jobs and four kids at home.

He said he has no secret to winning pitch slams. “I recommend being authentic (yourself!) and unique.”

“I’m always at my best when I’m just telling the Lentiful story to the person in front of me and not worrying about charts, numbers or slides behind me,” Bacon said. For his recorded talk, he hiked in the foothills near Boulder, an elevation of over 5,000 feet, “on a hot summer day, wearing a Lentiful sweatshirt, sweating and panting,” he noted.

Bacon also benefited from winning a NEXTY Award in the spring – although he almost missed out on the award.

“Of all the awards we won this year, NEXTY was by far the most overwhelming,” he said. “I remember arriving late to the ceremony and the ballroom was full by the time I got there. I had to beg security to let me in and then I managed to get in. Exactly in time to hear our name called!”

Retailers have taken note of the NEXTY Award. Wegmans Food Market told Bacon that the NEXTY Award put Lentiful on the retailer’s radar. “I’m sure it helped a lot of other people as well. It’s a huge credibility factor in our conversations with retailers and I always make sure to subtly weave it into our conversations or email chains,” Bacon said.

And what’s next? The week after the Naturally Network Pitch Slam, he traveled to Pullman, Washington, for the 35th National Lentil Festival. Although many farmers in the Northwest grow lentils, most of their crops are exported because Americans don’t eat them. Bacon has often said he wants to change that.

He is also looking forward to “Newtopia Now,” which starts on Sunday.

“I’m so excited about Newtopia Now. Everything I’ve read and experienced about the event so far makes it a much more personal and impactful event for a small brand like ours,” Bacon said. “I hope we can take the momentum we gained from winning Naturally National (Pitch Slam) and show retailers of all sizes that we’re ready to partner with them to be successful this year.” (He’s also excited that the show is taking place in Denver, about 24 miles from his home.)

When he looks at Expo West, he can’t help but wonder where Lentiful will be in March.

“I believe this is the perfect time for Lentiful to use Expo West as a launchpad for national brand status. We are currently in the process of doing regional placements with several retailers such as Whole Foods and Walmart, and by March of next year we will have great data to share with the rest of the industry,” said Bacon.

He hopes to be profitable this year, as he expects revenue to be around $2 million. “For 2025, it’s about optimizing our cost structure and maintaining profitable growth while probably doubling the business,” he said.

“I don’t want to sugarcoat it, it’s really tough for small brands right now. But we’re determined to get through the next few years. We have a great support network like Naturally Boulder and the best thing about our industry is that so many people selflessly want you to succeed and are willing to roll up their sleeves and help personally.”

Six Regional Natural Network Winners are exhibiting at Newtopia Now, New Hope Network’s new trade show, which begins Monday at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver. Visit the website for further information or to register.

Find the brands at these stands:

  • Lentiful, booth 1006 at Thrive.

  • Evergreen, booth 1007 in Thrive.

  • Daybird, stand 2607 in Glow, will also be participating in the Glow level on Tuesday.

  • Loli’s, booth 1008 in Thrive.

  • Philosopher Foods (Gut Nuts), booth 1009 in Thrive.

  • True Moringa, booth 844 at Represent.

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