Star Wars fans horrified to learn how much The Acolyte actually cost to produce

Star Wars fans horrified to learn how much The Acolyte actually cost to produce

Star Wars fans horrified to learn how much The Acolyte actually cost to produce

$670,000 per minute might sound a bit *too* much…

If you’ve been living under a rock for the past few months, let me give you a little context before we continue: Some people hate Disney’s latest star Wars show The Acolyte.

Although the series was relatively popular with critics, many fans have been quite vocal about their hatred for it. To be fair The Acolytethere doesn’t seem to be much star Wars Fans actually like it.

Check out our interview with the cast of The Acolyte below

The hatred for this show goes a little deeper than the usual kind of star Wars However, there was hatred among the fanboys, and it only got worse after the show was recently canceled.

Fans on the star Wars Subreddit recently discovered how much The Acolyte The cost of manufacturing and, oh boy, they had some opinions on it.

A recent post titled “The Acolyte’s Cost Per Minute of Footage Was a Staggering $670,000” received over 11,000 upvotes and 2,000 comments, which should put things in perspective for you.

The cost breakdown chart appears to have been created by a fan, but matches information recently published by Deadline’s Nellie Andreeva.

Comments in the article itself were mostly just shocked about the budget of The Acolyte surpassed all others star Wars TV show produced so far.

“Amazing that Ahsoka costs half the price per minute but feels so much bigger and grander,” said one comment referring to how Ahsoka The production cost $80 million less than The Acolyte.

“Only delusional people think the show should have been renewed…” said another comment. “With that budget and mediocre return on money, Disney would never renew it.”

To be completely honest, no matter which side of the argument you are on… it is hard to see how Disney would stop producing a second season of The Acolyte with such returns.

At the end of the day they bought the star Wars IP is about making money, not art. They are not that kind of company and they never will be.

However, we hope that “The Stranger” will make a comeback in some form.

Photo credit: Disney

Topics: Disney, Star Wars, TV and Film

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