Austria’s far-right Freedom Party presents election programme – Euractiv

Austria’s far-right Freedom Party presents election programme – Euractiv

Austria’s far-right Freedom Party (FPÖ), which opinion polls say is the favorite for the September 29 parliamentary elections, presented its election campaign manifesto on Wednesday (August 21), outlining measures to stimulate the economy and curb immigration.

When presenting the program to his party colleagues, FPÖ leader Herbert Kickl said it could be summarized as a plan for individuality, sovereignty, homogeneity and solidarity.

Below are some of the key points:


– No new taxes.

– Tax relief for young people starting their careers.

– Supporting young adults through subsidised rental housing construction and the purchase of their own home.

– Lower taxes on savings or access to fair and cheap credit to encourage wealth and property creation.

– Support for employers who offer better paid jobs than those agreed in the collective agreement and provide protection against dismissal.

– Tax relief for people who work longer hours and do overtime.

– Introduction of a bonus of EUR 5,000 for qualified apprentices to reward their efforts and encourage them to become masters of their craft.

– Tax-deductible bonuses for workers aged 60 and over and more tax relief for people who work beyond the statutory retirement age.


– Promoting remigration – what proponents describe as the return of people to their families’ original places of origin – especially people with a migrant background who break the law.

– Reducing the number of people entitled to asylum and limiting the duration of asylum.

Social policy

– A social system in which the payment of benefits is linked to citizenship.

– A constitutional provision stating that there are only two genders.

– Establishment of a right to financial assistance for victims of natural disasters.

– Improving working conditions for medical and nursing staff through better pay and training so that Austria can cover its own personnel needs without immigration.

– Increasing the number and pay of police officers.

– Pass a law banning “political Islam.”


– Strengthening direct democracy, including granting citizens the right to enforce laws through referendum.

– Give voters the right to vote out cabinet ministers or the government through referendums.

Read more at Euractiv

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