Neighbourhood war in upscale beach suburb ends after residents complain about a tree that has been causing accidents for two years

Neighbourhood war in upscale beach suburb ends after residents complain about a tree that has been causing accidents for two years

A city government has finally removed a street tree after residents complained for two years that the tree had been the cause of countless accidents.

The tree, which was planted on the corner of Arden Street and Coogee Bay Road in Coogee, eastern Sydney, was removed on Wednesday.

A Randwick City Council spokesman said the decision to remove the tree was made because the tree in the box had suffered multiple damages.

“The coastal location and condition of the pit also made placing the tree at this location a challenge,” he told Daily Mail Australia.

“In light of these ongoing problems, the City Council is removing the tree and the tree surroundings.”

The spokesman said the city had previously been forced to remove the tree up to six times after it was repeatedly damaged.

Photos showed workers repairing the asphalt where the building used to be located.

Neighbourhood war in upscale beach suburb ends after residents complain about a tree that has been causing accidents for two years

The planter, which was erected roughly in the middle of the street on the corner of Arden Street and Coogee Bay Road in eastern Sydney, was removed on Wednesday (see picture).

Motorists have been complaining for years that their vehicles keep driving onto the concrete base surrounding the structure because they do not expect a tree to be planted in a roadway.

Angry residents called it “useless” and said it would take up unnecessary space in the left lane at the busy intersection.

Last month, an employee at a local cafe reported that three cars had crashed into the barrier within a week.

On social media, residents expressed their relief at the box’s removal.

“Well done, it was a stupid idea to put it there in the first place,” one person wrote.

“Oh my god! It’s finally happened. I don’t know why Randwick City Council likes to plant trees where they block the view of oncoming cars (and) pedestrians… especially at intersections. Super weird,” wrote another.

The council had previously justified the planting by saying that it was an important environmental initiative that would contribute to the vitality of the area.

The council also claimed that the concrete blocks served as wheel stops for a nearby parking lot.

The council had previously stated that the installation of the planter (pictured left) was an important environmental initiative that would contribute to the vibrancy of the area.

The council had previously stated that the installation of the planter (pictured left) was an important environmental initiative that would contribute to the vibrancy of the area.

In suburban areas, concrete planters are often used to enliven the architecture of public spaces.

The structures also benefit the environment as they improve air quality and provide habitat for wildlife.

In addition, the boxes are a cost-effective way to redesign public spaces as they require minimal maintenance and do not need to be replaced often.

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