Kamala Harris’ far-left platform – Washington Examiner

Kamala Harris’ far-left platform – Washington Examiner

Inflation and immigration remain voters’ biggest concerns ahead of the election campaign between President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris this November, and the policy platform being presented at the Democratic National Convention this week is likely to make both problems significantly worse.

On inflation, Harris has embraced all the massive spending that President Joe Biden couldn’t fit into his original, inflation-causing $1.9 trillion spending plan. Remember all the free preschool, free paid leave, free child care, and free daycare that Biden included in his original Build Back Better plan? You know, all the things that centrist Democrats shied away from putting into a bill they already knew would contain too much deficit spending? Well, Harris wants to spend all that money now.

When asked before the convention how she planned to finance all this new spending, Harris stammered a long answer in which she said “return on investment” four times and claimed that all her new spending would “pay for itself.” This is, of course, completely false. While there are two decades-old studies that purport to show that intensive investments in early childhood interventions do indeed pay for themselves, those studies were small and have never been replicated.

The largest and most recent studies of both the federal government’s Head Start program and the Tennessee state preschool program show no or negative outcomes for children who participated in those programs. Instead of helping children and providing a “return on investment,” the Democratic Party’s care economy is actually making things worse for children and families. And that doesn’t even take into account that Harris’ new spending will only drive inflation back up.

On immigration, the Democratic Party platform proposes the largest amnesty program in U.S. history, granting citizenship, welfare, Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security to the ten million illegal immigrants who were in the country before January 2021. According to the Congressional Budget Office, granting amnesty and full welfare benefits to these illegal immigrants would add billions to the budget deficit – in addition to the financial burden they already place on state and local governments.

Then there is the question of what to do with the 3.8 million illegal immigrants caught and released into the United States under the Biden-Harris administration. While they have not advocated changing the date, every Democratic Party amnesty in the past has set the amnesty eligibility date to the date the amnesty was drafted. So there is every reason to believe that when Harris drafts her actual amnesty bill, she will include every illegal immigrant Biden allowed into the country, bringing the total number of illegal immigrants granted citizenship under the Harris administration to 13.8 million.

Worse, Harris has supported the Lankford-Mayorkas bill, which would codify Biden’s catch-and-release border policy. Under the Lankford-Mayorkas bill, all migrants caught crossing the border illegally could be placed in Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s “alternative to detention” program. The migrants would then be free to cut off their ankle bracelets, ignore ICE’s actions, travel wherever they wanted, and wait for the next Democratic Party amnesty, safe in the knowledge that no effort would be made to track them down and deport them.

In addition to increasing inflation and immigration, the Democratic Party’s platform calls for higher taxes on oil and gas companies, making energy and everything you buy at the store more expensive. The document also calls for “environmental justice” audits, which will make building highways, high-speed rail and clean energy projects even more expensive.


And then there are the tax increases, including a corporate tax hike that every economist will tell you will lower workers’ wages, and a new tax on unrealized capital gains that will almost certainly be struck down by the Supreme Court.

Harris has made every effort to moderate her positions on immigration and government spending since she helped push Biden out of the race. The Democratic Party platform goes in the exact opposite direction, taking extreme left-wing positions on every hot-button issue that matters to voters. Republicans should make every effort to tie Harris to this radical document.

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