Democrats are fully committed to the party program of the extreme left

Democrats are fully committed to the party program of the extreme left

The Democrats’ “Plan 2025” is full of promises that the federal government cannot possibly afford and positions that have no connection with a large part of the electorate.

The Democrats’ final platform for 2024, which delegates voted on this week at their national convention in Chicago, contains nothing like it: progressive ideas that expand government and increase dependency.

It provides a glimpse of what a Kamala Harris presidency would look like, as her candidacy is directly tied to the record of President Joe Biden, whose approval ratings were below 40% last year. Yet the Democratic platform does not even attempt to separate the two factors, and does not bother to replace references to Biden as the candidate.

The platform presents policies that Democrats say will help boost dwindling union membership, says the party opposes nationwide right-to-work laws, and emphasizes the extent to which the Biden administration seeks credit for helping the UAW win its historic collective bargaining agreement last fall.

The document boasts that Democrats have helped “quadruple” electric vehicle sales, but does not provide a timeframe: “With the goal that 50% of all new passenger vehicles sold in the United States by 2030 will be electric vehicles.”

This illusion is in stark contrast to the economic reality of the market and consumer demand for electric vehicles – despite the Biden administration’s mandate to produce and sell them.

Ford Motor Co. said Wednesday it is cutting its investment in electric vehicles, delaying the launch of its next-generation all-electric pickup truck and changing plans for an upcoming SUV that will be a hybrid instead of an all-electric one. Stellantis and General Motors have reported major job cuts in the past month.

The program promises more federal funding to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. But even with the massive spending toward that goal provided in the Inflation Reduction Act and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, both passed during Biden’s first term, the U.S. is not on track to meet that goal.

Democrats’ policies would further restrict workers’ freedom through minimum wage increases and mandatory paid vacation, thereby ruining small business owners.

Democrats are also promising to expand government health and welfare programs that have already become unsustainable. They falsely claim that Trump will make cuts to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program.

They are demanding that health care be considered a right to justify a massive expansion of the Affordable Care Act. They want to expand Medicaid coverage, reaching 2.8 million uninsured, low-income adults who are currently ineligible. And they are proposing to expand Medicare coverage to include dental, vision and hearing services — along with stronger price controls on prescription drug manufacturers.

At the same time, the federal government is facing a financial crisis. Both total debt and mandatory spending as a percentage of the budget have reached record levels, and interest as a percentage of the budget is also approaching record levels. Programs such as Social Security may soon be insolvent.

Still, Democrats focused on expanding abortion rights across the country, claiming, “If Trump returns to the White House, he will ban abortions across the country.” They justified their campaign for abortion rights by citing a nonexistent federal threat to the procedure.

This could include a bill that would use taxpayer money to subsidize abortions for Medicaid recipients. When she ran for president in 2020, Harris promised to repeal the Hyde Amendment, which limits Medicaid coverage of abortions.

Universal preschool for four-year-olds would be free, and Democrats would guarantee “millions of working families affordable, high-quality child care for less than $10 per child per day.”

And they would increase the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28% – above the global average of 23.45% – while imposing new requirements and deductions on companies’ CEO compensation.

Democrats have promised not to raise taxes on Americans earning less than $400,000 a year and claim they can reduce the federal deficit by $3 trillion over the next decade by exempting the super-rich and big corporations.

It is an extreme agenda that builds on the already failed progressive policies of the Biden administration.

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