The crew of the Ark receives an unusual distress call in “Pretty Big Deal”

The crew of the Ark receives an unusual distress call in “Pretty Big Deal”

The beginning The Ark Season 2, Episode 6 focuses on the successes of the previous episode. However, it isn’t long before Ark-1 is stopped in its tracks on their mission to find a new home. This time, they receive a distress call from Ark-8.

Warning: This post contains SPOILERS from The Ark Season 2, Episode 6

I have to say that I love how the relationships have developed within the Ark-1 crew. In the recap of events from earlier, we are reminded that Spencer Lane hates clones, meaning he hated Sharon Garnet to begin with. However, at the start of this episode, we see how much he respects and values ​​her, making sure she sits in her new captain’s chair before she does anything else.

We also got to see how Sharon appreciates everyone on the team. The news of more Ark-3 individual cabins means that each council member will get their own room. There’s also a sweet moment when we learn that Ark-3 had some sort of time capsule that helps them remember things from Earth. The contents include a guitar (yes, Richard Fleeshman can really play), balls, knitting needles, wool, and more. I have to ask Kimi why she got the knitting needles, and wonder if this is a sign of something to come.

The Ark - Season 2

The episode centers on a distress call. Ark-8 sent it to Ark-3 and now Ark-1 hears it. Ark-8 crashed on a planet. Was it habitable? Not quite. Brice is quick to point out that radiation levels are high, which makes everyone wonder if they are on a recovery or rescue mission.

Arriving on the planet, we get a shock that is sure to lead to some great storylines for Spencer. It turns out that Ark-8 was full of clones and one of them looks just like Spencer. The clone, Ian, tells us that three of them were in the lab, but then Spencer was taken away. Ian and his clone – who I believe is presumed dead – believed Spencer had died, so Ian is excited when he finds out he’s still alive.

The clones escaped Earth on Ark-8 after finding out that humans simply left them in a lab. They all went together and started their own family.

Of course, Spencer is angry. He had no idea he was a clone, and he’s always hated them. When Ian points out that clones have barcodes on their feet, Spencer realizes that the scars on his heel must have been a way for his father to remove the barcode tattoo when he was younger. His father always told Spencer about getting hurt, but Spencer never remembered it. This means that Spencer’s father knew all about Spencer being a clone and kept it a secret from him.

Spencer is facing a major identity crisis. Everything he thought he knew is wrong, and I think this opens the door for a rapprochement between him and Garnet.

Spencer hates clones because of their psychosis, but it turns out that this was a mistake with the 3rd generation clones specifically. Ian is a 2nd generation clone, meaning he and the others like him don’t suffer from psychosis. However, they brought some 3rd generation clones with them and they quickly started going crazy when they got into space. The 2nd generation clones fled from them and they thought Ark-1 were the 3rd generation clones ambushing them.

Ark-1 agrees to take the second generation clones with them on Ark-1. However, Garnet wants to take the third generation clones with her as well. They may be dangerous, but they are still human. While they try to get everyone back on the ship, the third generation clones begin to sabotage the shuttle. It is clear that they do not want to be “saved”, but this is due to their psychosis.

With Garnet’s crew and the second generation clones back on Ark-1, Garnet hatches a plan to get the third generation clones. An explosion on the planet makes it clear that the third generation clones are now likely dead, but what and who caused this? We’ll have to wait until the next episode for that. It’s not often that a storyline is split into two episodes, but considering this is about clones, it seems poetic that it is.

The Ark - Season 2

In the last episode, Angus went to his garden and got scolded by an Ark-15 crew member about his irrigation system. This led to a bit of an identity crisis at the beginning of this episode, as expected. Alicia helps him get out of it and makes it clear that he built the garden. Ark-1 survived because of him. He should be responsible for this success. And yes, the kiss the two finally share is so sweet and great!

As he walks back, Lati points out that the ground is muddy and again blames Angus’ system. He quickly finds the fault and points out that a pipe is clogged. Why didn’t Lati find that? That gives Angus the boost he needs, but I wonder if this is all a trap to get Angus to talk.

Lati works with Kimi to find the Eastern Federation members on the ship. They are sure that Brice and Eva are both members of the Eastern Federation. One of the best ways to get information is to get other people on the ship to talk. Angus likes to talk, which leads to Lati learning that Eva had a friend on the ship who died in the first attack at the beginning of the series. When Lati goes to see him, she finds that he too was a member of the Eastern Federation.

Lati and Kimi are about to reveal who belongs to the Eastern Federation. Given Brice’s hatred of the Eastern Federation ships, I have to wonder what his true backstory is. We know he hid the fact that he had Klampkins in the first season. Surely he wouldn’t have belonged to the Eastern Federation either. I could understand Eva, but not Brice, so I’m curious why Kimi is so sure that Brice belongs to the Eastern Federation.

Does it matter at this point who was part of the Eastern Federation and who wasn’t? Ark-1 is a team, a family. If they were there for a different kind of mission, that all changed when so many died in cryo. The mission became a survival mission and new bonds were formed. Kimi and Lati can’t see that though. They’re clearly having a personal feud and I want to know why. I feel like this storyline is dragging a little bit.

The Ark - Season 2

Meanwhile, Kelly’s storyline continues as Dr. Marsh and Kabir remove the bomb from her head. Kelly wants to have all the other implants removed as well, but that’s impossible. It would mean Kelly would lose her hearing and her right arm, as the implants are all connected to bone, cartilage, and more. Kelly doesn’t care, but Dr. Marsh won’t do it, and you can’t really blame him.

But did he actually remove the bomb? I guess we’ll find out when we meet Ark-15 again. We all know that’s going to happen, and Maddox is bound to detonate the bomb again.

Kelly and Trust also spend a little time bonding. He gets her to give him the device Cat 2.0 left behind so he can figure out how it works and help her. There has to be an ulterior motive though. Trust knows the device can do more, so how will he use it?

Kelly is trusting Trust way too much at this point. I know she’s in an impossible situation, but after everything that happened with Maddox and Dr. Marsh, you’d think she wouldn’t trust anyone else. I can’t help but think Trust is taking advantage of her.

The Ark airs Wednesdays at 10pm EST on Syfy.

Next. The Ark showrunners give a sneak peek at what’s to come in Season 2. The Ark showrunners give a sneak peek at what’s to come in Season 2. dark

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