Big Brother 26 Episode 17 Recap: Did Veto Save Quinn, Cam and Brooklyn?

Big Brother 26 Episode 17 Recap: Did Veto Save Quinn, Cam and Brooklyn?

On the way to the 17th episode of “Big Brother 26”: The new head of household Tucker Des Lauriers had just nominated three people for eviction: Quinn Martin, Cam Sullivan Brown And Brooklyn Rivera. Although he told everyone that his real target was Quinn, his real goal was to send Brooklyn home because he saw her as an influential leader on her side of the house. But since the veto was at stake, it was still up in the air as to who would be nominated at the end of the hour. So how did it turn out?

Read our minute-by-minute recap/live blog of Big Brother Season 26 Episode 17 below to find out what happened on Wednesday, August 21, 2024 at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT. Then be sure to sound off in the comments section with your favorite “BB26” houseguests on the CBS reality TV show, the ones that annoy you the most, and the ones you think will ultimately make it to the “Big Brother” winners list. Julie Chen Moonves hosts the series again.

The 12 remaining house guests are: Angela Murray, Brooklyn Rivera, Cam Sullivan Brown, Chelsie Baham, Joseph Rodriguez, Kimo Apaka, Leah Peters, Makensy Manbeck, Quinn Martin, Rubina Bernabe, T’kor Clottey And Tucker Des Lauriers.

Refresh/load this Big Brother 26 live blog regularly for the most current information..

8:00 Clock – “So far on ‘Big Brother’!” In the 16th episode, the eviction of Cedric Hodges sent shockwaves throughout the house, especially among the members of his Pentagon alliance. Cam, Chelsie, and Brooklyn were the only three people to vote to keep Cedric, which made them instant targets when Tucker won the HOH competition, “The Wall.” Elsewhere, the Tanks alliance decided to add a sixth person, Joseph, and they renamed themselves Sixth Avenue. After having one-on-one conversations with everyone, Tucker decided to put Quinn, Cam, and Brooklyn up for eviction. Well, it’s time to start that Veto episode!

20:03 – Tucker was happy to start his reign while everyone on the other side of the house thought he was going after his public nemesis, but his own alliance was clear that he really was going after Brooklyn because he sees her as the leader of the Pentagon. But because he wants to get rid of her, he had to tell her and Cam (his nominees) that he sent them there to help him take out Quinn so that neither of them would do their best at the Veto competition. He later went to Quinn to assure him that he is not the target despite his statement at the Veto meeting.

20:07 – Chelsie was “relieved” that she wasn’t nominated, but she knew that if one of them dropped out, she would be running as a backup candidate since the rest of the Pentagon was at stake. Up until this point, however, Tucker knew nothing about the Pentagon, only the larger Collective Alliance. To solidify his place in the new Sixth Avenue Alliance with Tucker, Kimo decided to educate him on the Pentagon and its members, which only made Tucker even better at coming for Brooklyn. When Quinn and Brooklyn had some time alone, they put their heads together and considered what Tucker told him about the target this week, but they weren’t surprised that he told different stories.

20:14 – As one of the first crazy people in the HOH competition, Angela was only allowed to eat grub this week. Because of this, Brooklyn and some other houseguests decided to put together a charcuterie board with the meat and cheese Angela received in her HOH basket. According to Angela, they did this without her permission and she was deeply hurt that she couldn’t enjoy her favorite food.

20:15 – When selecting players for the Veto competition, Tucker pulled the chips from Makensy and himself. Tucker chose Joseph to compete in the competition with Makensy, the nominees, and himself. Shortly after, Brooklyn spoke to Tucker privately to tell him that Quinn had said she was the real target in hopes that this would turn Tucker’s attention back to him instead of her. Although this further increased the distrust of Quinn, Tucker knew it only “showed her character” that she would throw her ally under the bus so easily.

20:21 – The Veto Contest pitted players against each other in the classic game of Hide-n-Go Veto. The object of the game was to hide a Veto memory card somewhere in the house in the hopes that the last one would be found by one of the other players. However, all of the cards look the same from the outside, so if the house is searched, no one will know who will be eliminated from the contest. Joseph hid his in Angela’s bag on one of the beds in hopes of getting noticed and not winning, Brooklyn wrapped hers in a towel and clothes and hid it in Quinn’s dirty laundry bag, Quinn hid his in a clothes envelope because she was pressed for time, Cam hid his in a “really hard pillow,” Tucker hid his under one of the drawers in the hallway, and Makensy hid hers on the bottom of one of the flower pots by the front door.

20:27 – On the first pass through the house, Quinn discovered the memory card Brooklyn had hidden in his dirty pocket, eliminating her from the competition. Next, Cam found the memory card Quinn had in the clothes pocket, eliminating him from the competition. Tucker went to the flower pots first, where he found Makensy’s memory card. On her second pass through the house, Brooklyn was happy to “take out her frustration on the people who had soiled her” and threw Tucker and T’Kor’s clothes out of the closets – this helped her find Cam’s memory card. Cam was the last to find the fifth memory card, ending the game.

20:38 – During the slow reveal of the order in which the memory cards were found, Brooklyn and Quinn were the first to realize that they hadn’t won. At the end, Chelsie revealed that the last card Cam found belonged to Joseph, meaning Tucker was the winner again.

20:43 – When the HouseGuests came back into the house to clean up, Tucker and Angela were angry because the players had thrown their clothes all over the house in the most petty way possible. Tucker assumed it was Quinn reigniting his anger at him and going back on his word not to attack him this week. Quinn denied messing up his clothes, but Tucker didn’t believe him.

20:49 – Brooklyn knew it would benefit her if Tucker thought Quinn had thrown his clothes everywhere because then he would rather throw Quinn out than her. But Quinn wanted to try “radical honesty” to regain Tucker’s trust in a new way. He admitted to Tucker that he had told Brooklyn about the private conversations he had had with Tucker and that it had gone a long way in earning him back some respect. Again, Tucker asked about the clothes and in this new context, Tucker was willing to believe that he wasn’t the one who had done it.

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