How to remove leaves with a “genius” gardening trick

How to remove leaves with a “genius” gardening trick

Let’s face it: gardening is one of the most therapeutic tasks you can do at home.

It is relaxing and soothing and you can really take your time caring for your plants and flowers.

Now that fall is just around the corner, working with leaves can be a chore.

Usually you just let them blow away or get someone to do the job for you. Either way, many of them can become a nuisance.

So if you’re looking for a cheeky gardening trick, the Today Years Old account with 1 million followers on X (formerly Twitter) has shared a method.

The caption read, “Work smarter, not harder.” It was accompanied by a video of a woman grabbing a black garbage bag and getting to work.

She placed the bin on her feet and slowly swept all the leaves into the bag – without stress or fuss.

And now all the leaves are in the bin, which you can then put in the recycling bin for collection.

The video has been viewed more than 14.9 million times and received over 3,100 retweets and 60,000 likes.

One person asked: “I will never understand why we put leaves in plastic bags…”

Another added: “I’m trying to figure out how to incorporate this into cleaning my house.”

And a third person raved: “Clever lady!” But not everyone was convinced, as they had already discovered the hack beforehand.

Someone chimed in: “I’ve been doing this since I was young, it’s the next person’s turn!”

In another post about other gardening tricks, an expert recently revealed the “only way” to make ivy plants die permanently and never come back.

When ivy grows up a fence it can be a big problem and it is important to get it under control.

Otherwise, the roots can grow larger and dig deeper into the wood.

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