Homeowners in Preston Hollow face severe flood damage due to repeated water pipe bursts

Homeowners in Preston Hollow face severe flood damage due to repeated water pipe bursts

DALLAS – Several homeowners in Preston Hollow say their homes were severely damaged by flooding following a water main burst in the city of Dallas earlier this month. They say they have to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars out of pocket because both the city and the homeowners’ insurance company claim it’s not their problem. This isn’t the first time something like this has happened, either.

The video shot by homeowner Robert Brown may look like a lake, but it’s actually of his backyard, which was flooded several feet deep 18 months ago.

“We had to call a company and have them basically rip out all the floors, rip out all the counter tops and rip out the walls up to about two feet high,” Brown said.

Brown said the devastating flooding of his Preston Hollow home was caused by a burst water main in Dallas.

“This is emotional for me, but it’s really, really hard. As a homeowner, it’s hard to deal with,” Brown said.

The water main burst occurred not once, but twice, up the hill from Brown’s house along Margate Drive. Wednesday afternoon, workers remained outside, tearing up the concrete on the street.

“The water was pouring into our house, down the driveway, into the neighbor’s house and onto Northwest Highway,” Brown said. “It was just coming through the side of the house and all the doors. We were told there’s no way to dry it out any further. It has to be hauled away.”

Brown’s neighbor Fred Graffam sent CBS News Texas a video of a flood two weeks ago.

“The first flood cost me $500,000, the second one has cost me $100,000 so far,” Graffam said.

“Insurance will not cover the damage because it is not caused by the house or the pipes in the house,” Brown said.

The homeowners reported they contacted the City of Dallas, which confirmed the flooding was caused by a burst water main, but the city told them it would not cover the cost of repairs.

“I paid $300,000 for the first flood. I had to come up with a lot of money on credit cards and loans. Last year, it pretty much ruined us financially. We’re still dealing with it, and to have to deal with it again is extremely horrible,” Brown said. “This is like going to Vegas twice and losing at the same table. I hope the city actually recognizes this and does something proper about it.”

Brown didn’t expect to experience this scene again, but he hopes to stay afloat and live in his dream home despite the emotional and financial rollercoaster.

Dallas Water Utilities is investigating the request and will provide an update when it is available.

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