A free “Hoedown Throwdown” takes line dancing through Santa Monica – NBC Los Angeles

A free “Hoedown Throwdown” takes line dancing through Santa Monica – NBC Los Angeles

What you should know

  • “Hoedown Throwdown” at the Annenberg Community Beach House in Santa Monica
  • Thursday, August 29th from 6 to 8 p.m.; the first 90 minutes are lessons, followed by free dancing
  • Free. RSVP on this site

At the Annenberg Community Beach House in Santa Monica, there is a lot of splashing and fun going on.

Finally, this pretty landmark located on the sandy beach is home to a picturesque swimming pool, a place where all kinds of cooling-off events take place during the summer and warmer seasons.

Sometimes, however, visitors are left on dry land, a place where it is easier to stretch your legs, swing your hips, tap your boots, and get in touch with your inner “yes” and your deepest “haw.”

And that’s exactly what will happen on the last Thursday in August when the first-ever Hoedown Throwdown will take place, offering free lessons and dancing for anyone who wants to join in.

Tina Michelle & The Rhinestone Cowgirls will perform at the event on August 29th.

Admission is free – we say a big “yay!” to this delightful detail – but you should register in advance.

The line dance lessons and the instructions for getting started with classic two-step dancing take place from 6:00 p.m. to 7:40 p.m.; the last 30 minutes of the event are dedicated to open dancing.

This all-ages pop-up is open to everyone and no dance partner is required. Just come along to tap your toes and kick off the summer season in fun, bouncy, ocean-ready fashion.

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