Indian girl asked to “go back” to European country!

Indian girl asked to “go back” to European country!

Indian girl asked to “go back” to European country!

As a tourist, you first want to make sure whether you are welcome in the country you are travelling to or not. No one likes travelling to hostile places where tourists or immigrants are hated. An Indian girl recently shared a video from a music festival in Albania which raised concerns about Indians in the country.

An Indian girl who attended a concert in Tirana, Albania, recounted what she had to endure as a tourist in the country. She claimed that some locals asked her to “go back to her country” and that they behaved disrespectfully towards her and pushed in front of her.

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The video has provoked a wide range of reactions. Growing xenophobia around the world is undoubtedly being fed by accusations that immigrants are taking what is rightfully theirs. The world is not ready to share and the consequences of this are already being seen in Britain, where rioters are turning cities into rubbish.

Ironically, there have been many Indian social media icons who have allegedly supported the anti-immigration riots and violence taking place in the cities of the UK, while ignoring the fact that Indians will also suffer the effects of these riots.

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