Dance floor in Cowboy Bar cleared by bear spray, police investigate

Dance floor in Cowboy Bar cleared by bear spray, police investigate

JACKSON, Wyoming – What’s the fastest way to clear a dance floor?

On Friday night, August 16, the dance floor at the Million Dollar Cowboy Bar emptied around 11 p.m. when an “unidentified female customer” sprayed bear spray, the bar said in a statement.

According to Russ Ruschill of the Jackson Police Department (JPD), about 200 patrons streamed out of the bar and gathered on Cache Street. Bar staff called JPD to the scene, and when officers arrived, employees had already set up fans to blow the peppery air out into the street. Musicians playing that night had been close to the explosion, so they packed up their things and left. No injuries were reported in the incident.

Ruschill said Buckrail Video footage from inside the bar led officers to suspect a woman whose behavior appeared suspicious. The JPD is working to release a photo of the suspects so they can find them and ask questions.

“If it was intentional, it could be charged as assault,” Ruschill said. “If it was an accident, then, OK, these things happen. If it was intentional, we definitely want to talk to the person and make sure that this behavior doesn’t continue.”

Anyone with knowledge of the situation is asked to contact JPD at (307) 733-1430.

“The health and safety of our employees and our guests is always our highest priority,” said Jackie Lewis, general manager of the Cowboy Bar, in a statement. “We are sorry that this lone offender ended an evening of fun at The Cowboy. A big thank you to the staff for their professional response in quickly de-escalating the situation.”

Anyone accidentally exposed to bear spray can expect painful eye irritation for about 45 minutes, but no permanent damage, according to BearWise. Combat the effects by repeatedly rinsing and patting eyes with clean water and resisting the urge to rub eyes.

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