LETTER: Rhetoric about the evils of fossil fuels goes too far

LETTER: Rhetoric about the evils of fossil fuels goes too far

To the editors,

Re: Advertising for fossil fuels should be banned, Letters, July 17, 2024.

The constant rhetoric about the evils of fossil fuels just doesn’t stop. Chris Alemany preaches a complete ban on fossil fuel advertising in a previous letter to the editor (July 17, 2024). If natural gas, one of the cleanest fossil fuels on the planet, is so evil, then why has our provincial government laid an undersea pipeline from the mainland to bring natural gas to Port Alberni and many other communities on Vancouver Island?

If natural gas is so bad, why does our provincial government allow our gas to be liquefied and exported around the world? And as if that wasn’t bad enough, we now have communities like Nanaimo banning new homes from being connected to natural gas as a primary heating source.
No municipality should have the authority to deny access to a service mandated and regulated by the province, nor should our provincial government allow it.

Instead, we who own gas heaters are made to feel ashamed and punished by paying a carbon tax on the very product we are supposed to use to heat our homes.

So what’s next? Do we now have to rip up our streets and highways to remove all those evil gas lines?

Thomas Gowan,

Port Alberni

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