Denmark buys 339 discounted Excalibur tactical guided grenades

Denmark buys 339 discounted Excalibur tactical guided grenades

Denmark will purchase 339 M982A1 Excalibur artillery shells with a caliber of 155 mm. These shells are in “Full performance, reduced costs, mass production” Variant. Copenhagen made the request to Washington and the DSCA approved the sale and informed the US Congress about this foreign deal.

Ukraine receives 155 mm M982 guided grenades: PBX warhead, 23-70 km range
Photo credit: The Diplomat

The contract, valued at nearly $121 million, includes 339 M982A1 Excalibur cartridges, portable electronic fire control systems (PEFCS), enhanced platform integration kits (iPIK), simple key loaders (SKLs), extractors, and surface hazard zones (SDZs). RTX Corporation, based in Tucson, Arizona, will serve as the contractor for this order.

Observed by Denmark

Ukraine receives 155 mm M982 guided grenades: PBX warhead, 23-70 km range
Photo credit: Naver

Danish experts consider the M982A1 Excalibur tactical ammunition to be an extremely effective and accurate weapon, ideal for hitting distant targets with remarkable accuracy. Imagine this: In April 2024, during a live test at the US Army’s Yuma Proving Ground, the Excalibur ammunition hit targets nearly 50 kilometers away with a circular error probability of less than a meter. The test, using the Norwegian VIDAR version of the K9 self-propelled howitzer, highlighted the ammunition’s capabilities in different firing modes and underlined its adaptability and precision.

Defense analysts in Denmark are well aware of these characteristics, especially given the importance of interoperability with NATO allies such as Norway. The Excalibur’s high accuracy fits seamlessly with Denmark’s defense strategy, which focuses on maximizing military effectiveness while minimizing collateral damage.

“Reference from Moscow”

Ukraine receives 155 mm M982 guided grenades: PBX warhead, 23-70 km range
Photo credit: Wikipedia

The Excalibur projectile is one of the most modern artillery shells in the world. Although it is made in America, it has won the respect of Russian analysts. For example, Alexander Mikhailov, a well-known Russian military analyst, praised the Excalibur for its precision and lethality. He pointed out that it significantly increases the accuracy of artillery systems, and noted: “The Excalibur rounds transform conventional artillery into a precise instrument capable of hitting precise targets with minimal collateral damage.” This capability is being closely monitored by the Russian military.

In addition, another Russian military expert noted: “Excalibur’s guidance system, which combines GPS and inertial navigation, enables the machine to hit targets with the utmost precision even in difficult battlefield conditions.” This remarkable precision has made it a decisive advantage in numerous conflicts.


Iraq interested in 155mm artillery with 6 shells/min and automatic re-orientation - Caesar
Photo credit: Nexter

Denmark’s military uses modern artillery systems compatible with the tactical M982A1 Excalibur, including the versatile Caesar 8×8 self-propelled howitzer. Now a key component of the Danish armed forces, this state-of-the-art system fires 155mm shells like the Excalibur with remarkable precision, thanks to its sophisticated fire control systems that enable accurate targeting over long distances.

Previously, Denmark used the M109A3DK self-propelled howitzers, which also supported 155mm ammunition, but the Caesar represents a significant step forward in both mobility and accuracy. The Excalibur shell’s ability to accurately hit targets at distances of over 40 kilometers when fired from systems such as the Caesar significantly increases Denmark’s long-range striking power.

These artillery systems provide Denmark with a powerful combination of mobility and precision, which is crucial for modern military operations.

USA expands its troop strength and orders additional 155 mm Paladin M109A7 howitzers
Photo credit: BAE Systems

About M982A1 Excalibur

The M982A1 Excalibur is a high-end precision-guided artillery projectile from Raytheon and BAE Systems. It is designed to provide long-range, accurate fire support to ground troops and significantly increase the firepower of artillery units.

This projectile is approximately 102 cm long and 155 mm in diameter. It is compatible with standard 155 mm caliber artillery, making it versatile and easy to integrate into current military arsenals. The Excalibur is powered by a solid rocket motor that extends its range and allows pinpoint accuracy over distances far beyond those of conventional artillery shells.

Equipped with advanced GPS and inertial measurement units (IMUs), the M982A1 Excalibur has real-time targeting data for unmatched precision. It features a sophisticated guidance and control system, fuze system, and warhead activation system, all working in harmony to ensure the projectile hits its target every time.

About 25 miles

The Excalibur achieves the highest precision through a combination of GPS and inertial guidance. GPS provides precise positioning information, while the inertial system keeps the projectile on course even when the GPS signals are disrupted.

Denmark buys 339 discounted Excalibur tactical guided grenades
Photo by Sgt. Ashley M. Morris

The M982A1 Excalibur can be equipped with a variety of warheads, including high explosive (HE) and fragmentation warheads. These warheads are designed to inflict maximum damage on a variety of targets, from enemy personnel to fortified buildings.

With an operational range of approximately 40 kilometers when fired from a standard 155 mm howitzer, the M982A1 Excalibur offers improved versatility and effectiveness in a wide variety of combat scenarios.


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