Little girl reacts most touchingly when she meets her new sister

Little girl reacts most touchingly when she meets her new sister

One of the most beautiful moments a parent can experience is introducing their new baby to their older siblings. The magic in a child’s eyes when they see their new baby is incredible. It’s equally heartwarming for parents who often worry about how the introduction will go. One mom shared a video on TikTok of her daughters’ first meeting, and it’s truly precious.

They meet and the parents assure the little girl that everything is fine with her mother and sister

At first she seemed worried and asked if the baby had “come out”. Her father assured her that the baby was fine and that her mother was “fine”. This suddenly calmed her down and she was so happy to meet her sister Zoe. Her mother was overwhelmed with emotion as she saw the two little girls become instant best friends.

Big sister was amazed by Zoe’s small stature and was shocked when her mother took off her hat to reveal a head full of hair. Big sister’s sweet “ooh” sparked giggles and tears in the room.

The sweet video has been viewed more than two million times and the moment has touched many mothers emotionally.

“Her ‘ohhhh’ was so sweet because she doesn’t realize she’s a cute little baby herself,” one comment said.

Many people praised the mom.

“Oh she’s PRECIOUS! 🥰 You guys obviously do a really good job talking to her about everything. Smart girl.”

This person focused on the mom: “I watched mom the whole time. Her tears as she saw her first little love meet her second. So special.”

“My mom’s heart is exploding… good job on pulling yourself together mom,” another person wrote.

The mother replied: “Back then I was able to pull myself together! But now I can’t watch the video without crying.”

The source of the cover image of this story can be found here.

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