A boil water notice is in effect in Fargo after the city’s water supply was briefly interrupted

A boil water notice is in effect in Fargo after the city’s water supply was briefly interrupted

FARGO, Ga. (WALB) – The City of Fargo is advising residents to boil their water after the city’s water service was briefly interrupted in the early hours of Monday, August 19.

The city said it received the notice on Tuesday, August 20.

“The water was turned off at about 2am yesterday morning and remained off for about an hour before the pump was reset, so this is a precautionary boil water warning,” the city said in a Facebook comment.

According to a Facebook post, the recommendation to boil water is due to a “power outage and loss of water pressure following a storm.” When power and water are restored, special samples will be taken to ensure no bacteria are present.

Residents are advised to use only boiled tap or bottled water for drinking, cooking or preparing food. The city said to properly boil water for use, residents should do the following:

  • Heat water until bubbles quickly rise from the bottom of the container
  • Once the water begins to boil, continue heating it for one minute.
  • Remove the water from the heat source and allow it to cool before using.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends using boiled tap water or bottled water for the following:

  • Drink
  • Brushing teeth
  • Washing and preparing food and baby food
  • Making ice cream
  • Drinking water for pets

When used correctly, boiled water is not necessary for other activities such as washing clothes and dishes.

The city has provided a link to the full CDC guidelines.

Residents will be notified immediately when the alert is lifted.

Once the warning is lifted, the city advises residents to flush all faucets for at least two minutes before using the water for drinking or preparing food.

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