Kamala Harris tries to make a quick decision: Weingarten

Kamala Harris tries to make a quick decision: Weingarten

Donald Trump has asked the American people whether we are better off today than we were in his day. Perhaps the second most important question Americans will have to ask when the election begins next month is this: “Are you lying now, Vice President Harris, or were you lying then?” That is a question Trump will likely have to ask the Democratic nominee himself, as the commercial media has taken over and created a veritable protective bubble around Harris. Harris, or at least Harris’s fluff, as she has remained largely silent while allowing her staff to answer questions about her beliefs and agenda. Since being voted into office and crowned as the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee, she has changed her mind on fracking, decriminalizing so-called illegal immigration, and providing universal government health care (Medicare). And all this from one of, if not the, most left-leaning senator during her time in the upper chamber, and from a person who served as number two in arguably the most radical left-wing White House in American history. By nominating Minnesota Governor Tim Waltz as her running mate, she has embraced someone with an incredibly radical record like her own, from giving all kinds of welfare to illegal immigrants, whom he plans to provide a ladder to catapult themselves over any border wall, to tampons and boys’ bathrooms, to the Covid snitch hotline, demonstrating for socialism, and allowing BLM drivers to set Minneapolis on fire while Harris promotes a bail fund for the arsonists. How can Harris reconcile her past hostility to energy, pro-invasion, and health care destruction while escaping the other parts of a record that has alienated tens of millions of ordinary people and made Joe Biden so unpopular that the party had to jettison him, along with candidate Kamala’s positions? There are only two possible answers to this. One is that Kamala Harris is the radical progressive she always wanted to make America San Francisco, but she realizes that this would not appeal to American voters, that she must lie, obfuscate and avoid scrutiny of her true beliefs at all costs. Axio has laid this out explicitly. Its editor in chief reports: “A big part of Harris’ plan is to change some of her more liberal positions without regret and claim that her experience in the White House helped change her mind.” She also happily embraces popular Trump ideas, particularly the exemption from the tax on tips for service and restaurant workers, which is popular in Nevada, one of the biggest swing states. She assumes that what she says in the small three-month window of her impromptu campaign will stick. Harris knows that most people know little about her, so she believes she can define herself, even if that includes flip-flops and co-ops. In other words, she’s engaging in the most cynical kind of politics, trying to rip off the American people and showing utter contempt for us. Axios prints and the Harris campaign signals that she thinks Americans are idiots. The other possible answer to how Harris can change all of her politically toxic positions is that she has no positions at all. She’s willing to say or do anything at any time because she’s willing to say or do anything to get into power. That is, she’s incredibly ambitious, perhaps dangerously ambitious. Why she’s so keen on power is one question. This equally raises the question of whether we should want someone so power-hungry to lead us. But another question is how to trust her to stick to her commitments at all. She wants to break with Biden on issues where he’s unpopular. Axios tells us that she’s running away from the Biden Harris agenda that she helped implement, but she might as well backtrack after she’s made one and go right back to the Biden Harris agenda on steroids. If she’s elected, you shouldn’t be able to abandon a candidate for someone who never received a vote in the primaries, who never faced an election audit. You shouldn’t be able to run for president without giving interviews or posting a platform where your website is built to make it seem like you have to make a campaign contribution to find out what the campaign and the candidate are actually about. You shouldn’t be able to disown large parts of your track record and reposition yourself on the fly without any scrutiny or criticism while the media cheers you on, but that’s exactly the operation the Democratic Party is running right now. They have a press that obeys their orders to a tee. Only the Trump team can ultimately bring these issues to the forefront of this election, and only the American people will be able to decide whether they want to live in a kind of banana republic in which this crazy chicanery is seen as normal and legitimate. I.

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