The secret behind Dana White’s 72-hour water fast is explained by Gary Brecka, the UFC CEO’s nutritionist – “This is where the real magic begins”

The secret behind Dana White’s 72-hour water fast is explained by Gary Brecka, the UFC CEO’s nutritionist – “This is where the real magic begins”

At one point, Dana White was predicted to have only 10 years to live by DNA analyst and biologist Gary Brecka. Brecka conducted a series of tests on White’s general health and concluded that the UFC boss would need to make significant lifestyle changes if he wanted to increase his life expectancy to over a decade. The UFC boss became aware of the situation and made major lifestyle changes, which helped him lose more than 36 pounds in weight. What’s the change, you ask? It’s Dana White’s very own extended water fasting technique.

Hollywood stars like Josh Brolin and Frank Grillo, as well as former UFC heavyweight champion Andrei Arlovski, have tried Dana White’s water fasting technique and loved the way it transformed their bodies. Now, months after White gave up his crazy technique, Gary Brecka has explained what actually happens when you go on a water diet. Let’s take a look.

Dana White’s top nutritionist explains his 72-hour water fasting technique


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Dana She was scared to death when a doctor took her blood and discovered the problems with her body fluids. Although he had never had a serious illness, doctors advised him to change his lifestyle if he wanted to live a healthy life. Dana White, who took this advice seriously, studied ͏t͏ec͏hniqu͏e͏s͏͏͏͏ before realizing that water fasting was best for him. According to Dana White, water fasting is said to help prevent cancer, Alzheimer’s and several other diseases.

But what is really behind these high claims of the UFC CEO? It is understandable that intermittent fasting helps the body tremendously as it eliminates toxins and helps maintain weight. But is a prolonged water diet really helpful for the human body? According to Gary Brecka, it certainly is. In one of his statements to the media, Brecka explained what happens when a person is dependent on water for a long period of time: “Hour 12 to 18: This is when fat burning begins. Insulin levels start to drop and the body starts to enter a state of ketosis, where the energy state changes. It switches from burning sugar to burning fat. Between hours 18 and 24, ketosis is in full swing and a hormone called glucagon rises. And why would glucagon rise? Because when this hormone rises, it is a glucoregulatory peptide hormone and it counteracts the effect of insulin by stimulating the liver to convert stored glucose into sugar.”

He emphasized the importance of gluconeogenesis. But what does that actually mean? Well, gluconeogenesis is a process where your body produces glucose from non-carbonate sources. Basically, we store sugar in our muscles and livers as glycogen, which serves as an energy reserve. When our muscles need energy or when we need to replenish glucose levels in the bloodstream, especially during depletion, our body taps into the glycogen reserves to maintain energy levels.

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He added: “Now, between 24 and 48 hours, the real magic begins: this process of autophagy – the body turns itself on to become more efficient at waste removal, repair, detoxification and cell division. You are literally cleansing your body at the cellular level.” Now, White has repeatedly explained the importance of taking water fasting seriously, but Brecka’s breakdown was important for people to understand what’s actually happening in their bodies after all the hoopla. Regardless, let’s take a look at what others think about it.


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What do the stars think about White’s water fasting technique?

When it comes to influence, there are few people in the world of combat sports who possess as much charisma as Dana White. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that White’s influence on his people is enormous. So why do we say that anyway? Well, because White’s constant praise of water fasting has enticed some of the biggest stars in certain fields to try it out. Let’s see what they have to say about it.


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Former UFC heavyweight champion Andrei Arlovski took on this challenge in 2023. The fighter uploaded a before and after photo of his water fasting diet on his Instagram account and stated that he did it for only 36 hours. The fighter said that he really liked the feeling of feeling after the transformation and thanked the UFC CEO for the revelation. Dana White appreciated the effort and commented: “I love it brother!!!! Once you get used to fasting, it’s incredible.”

In addition to Arlovski, Marvel and Frank Grillo also accepted Dana White’s challenge, which he announced on his social media channels last year. “I’m doing a mini water gastritis (fast) for 48 hours to see if I can last a full 7 days. My buddy @danawhite triggered it…” Grillo was not the only Hollywood star to take on this challenge. Hollywood actor Josh Brolin even went a step further than Dana White and announced on his social networks: “I’m on day 5 and drinking only water. A little bone broth with lunch and a little bone broth with dinner.” Most people were happy with how they felt after the fast. What do you think of White’s water fast? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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