What breaks your fast during Ramadan? Rules for chewing gum and smoking

What breaks your fast during Ramadan? Rules for chewing gum and smoking

Muslims all over the world observe Ramadan, a time dedicated to spiritual reflection and spending time with loved ones.

This year, Ramadan for Muslims in the UK began on March 11 (depending on which lunar observation report you follow) and is expected to end on or around April 9.

During this time, Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset and abstain from eating and drinking all day.

They eat a meal called Suhur before dawn and an evening meal called Iftar after sunset.

However, some people wonder whether things like chewing gum, smoking or brushing teeth also count as breaking the fast.

Here you will find the rules for smoking and chewing gum, as well as answers to some other frequently asked questions.

Ramadan fasting rules

During Ramadan, people are not allowed to eat or drink during the day, including water.

In addition to the fasting rules, Muslims should also refrain from swearing, lying, fighting and sexual activity during the day.

Some people are exempt from fasting, such as the elderly, the sick or pregnant women.

However, those who are exempted are expected to make up their fast at another time or to provide food to those in need.

Is it permissible to chew gum during Ramadan?

Chewing gum is not permitted during Ramadan because consuming sugar and other ingredients is considered breaking the fast, even if you do not swallow the gum itself.

Can you swallow your saliva?

Swallowing saliva during Ramadan does not break the fast as it is a natural human function and does not count as eating.

Does brushing your teeth break the fast?

Most people agree that brushing teeth is permissible during Ramadan as long as you do not swallow water or toothpaste.

However, some people avoid brushing their teeth during the day or use a tooth cleaning device called miswak as a precaution.

Does smoking break the fast?

Smoking and vaping are not permitted during Ramadan as they can cause smoke particles to enter the throat.

Some people also believe that smoking is generally forbidden because it is harmful to the body, even though it is not explicitly forbidden in the Koran.

Does perfume spoil quickly?

It is OK to wear perfume during Ramadan as you will not be ingesting any of it, but you should not smell scents such as incense as the particles could enter the stomach when inhaled.

Is it permissible to take medication during Ramadan?

Taking medications such as ibuprofen or cough syrup would interrupt the fast and is therefore not allowed. However, people suffering from a long-term or serious illness are exempt from fasting and can continue to take their medications.

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