Passenger removed from flight for not placing Louis Vuitton bag on floor | Newsradio WTAM 1100

Passenger removed from flight for not placing Louis Vuitton bag on floor | Newsradio WTAM 1100

A woman was ejected from a plane by police because she refused to put her $3,000 Louis Vuitton handbag on the floor before takeoff.

The incident occurred on August 10 during a departure flight from Jiangbei International Airport and was captured on video by another passenger and shared on Chinese social media site Douyin.

For safety reasons, the flight crew had asked the passenger to stow her expensive handbag under the seat. However, she refused and instead left the bag on the empty seat next to her while she used her mobile phone. She ignored further instructions.

Due to the standoff, the pilot returned to the gate, where the woman was detained by police while the other passengers cheered her deportation in the video shared online.

Reactions online were mixed, with one Douyin user criticising the cabin crew’s handling of the situation, saying: “The flight attendant could have offered her a bag to put her handbag in.”

Is it really necessary to waste an hour and throw her off the plane?”

Others criticized the passenger’s behavior. One commented: “The flight attendant did not insist on this rule for nothing. The woman should put more emphasis on her own safety and that of the other passengers than on her bag.”

Source: NYPost

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