The Roots of Retail: How the Retail Floor Shapes Leaders – A Must-Watch Webinar

The Roots of Retail: How the Retail Floor Shapes Leaders – A Must-Watch Webinar

Retail isn’t just a job; it’s where leaders are born. If you’ve ever wondered how the skills learned in the store can shape the leaders of tomorrow, this is your chance to find out. On August 28 at 2 p.m. EST, will host a webinar you can’t miss: “Roots of Retail: How In-Store Experiences Shape Leaders,” where industry experts delve deeper into how hands-on retail experience can inspire leadership development and contribute to business success.

Why you should mark this in your calendar? Because this isn’t just another webinar – it’s an opportunity to hear firsthand the experiences of those who have worked their way up from the store. The skills learned in retail – mastering customer engagement, understanding brand loyalty or learning to adapt quickly – are critical to day-to-day operations and long-term success. Engaged retail associates who understand your product sell 69% more, and those who complete multiple training courses sell up to 123% more. Whether you manage a store, lead a brand or work in the store, the experiences and practical advice shared demonstrate how investing in your sales associates today can lead to stronger leadership and higher sales in the future.

We also ask all participants to tell their story, and if they do, ENDVR will include your voice in our upcoming Webinar on Retail Roots along with our expert panelists who will amplify your presence and that of your brand! Plus, everyone who contributes to this important conversation and joins the webinar live will be entered into a drawing for a $250 gift card to their favorite retail store!

The panel consists of experienced professionals who started exactly where you are now – in retail. Take Kit Campoy, for example. With twenty years of retail experience, she is now a content creator for SaaS companies in the retail technology space. Kit knows retail inside out and will talk about how her journey from the store to the technology industry has shaped her understanding of leadership. Then there is Katina Lindseywho has been with Victoria’s Secret for 25 years. Katina doesn’t just run a store; she builds high-performing teams and creates an environment where everyone succeeds. Victoria’s Secret isn’t just any brand – it’s a retail giant. Katina will reveal how they keep their sales floor dynamic and engaging – and increase sales in the store.

Steve GendronCEO of, will share statistics and insights and explain why and how investing in your retail partners is more than just a good business move – it’s a long-term strategy to build brand loyalty, create strong brand advocates, and prepare the next generation of leadership, all while increasing wholesale sales and sell-through.

Why is this important for brands and retailers? Because your sales reps are more than just people who bill sales. They provide the first impression of your brand, are the first point of contact for customer interactions, and with the right tools and support, they can increase sales like never before. By investing in their development, you’re not only increasing sales today, but also training the leaders of tomorrow. Imagine your best products being promoted by employees who don’t just sell, but live your brand.

Register now and visit us at August 28 at 2 p.m. EST for an open discussion about “Roots of Retail: How In-Store Experiences Shape Leaders.” Share your experiences, challenges and ideas with store managers, retail associates, sales reps, brand representatives and brand leaders. We want to hear your stories and discuss practical strategies to unlock the full potential of your retail teams.

This is your opportunity to connect, learn and gain a new perspective on the power of retail.

Learn more about and how your brand can sell more in-store, visit

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