YouTube adds long videos to … shorts

YouTube adds long videos to … shorts

YouTube adds long videos to … shorts

YouTube has begun an experiment with including recommendations for long videos in YouTube Shorts. The test will be conducted for a limited number of users and aims to improve the detection of longer videos in a section where short-form content is usually found.

As part of this experiment, users may notice that both short and long videos appear on the watch page and in the Shorts feed. YouTube is actively collecting feedback from test participants to evaluate its effectiveness and usefulness. Notably, YouTube Shorts was originally created in response to the success of TikTok, which focused on short videos, and now the platform is trying to incorporate long formats.

It is currently unknown who is participating in this test, but Google assures that it is closely monitoring feedback and is ready to make changes based on the data it receives. This experiment could change the perception of YouTube Shorts by offering users a new way to interact with content.


And YouTube continues to tighten its crackdown on users who use ad blockers, implementing a new technology that displays black screens instead of blocked commercials. Reddit users report that such screens are between 6 and 20 seconds long. It is believed that this uses ad insertion technology on the server itself, which makes the ad a part of the video, making it harder to skip.

YouTube has yet to comment on the technology, but recently issued a statement saying it is increasing security standards for browser extensions to protect viewers and content creators from cyberattacks. Some users don’t mind the momentary black screens, but with this innovation, the closure of YouTube Vanced, and the three-violation rule in place, YouTube is clearly trying to get users to upgrade to YouTube Premium.

What about AI?

YouTube is introducing a new policy that allows users to request the removal of AI-generated content if it contains an image or voice that resembles a real person.

This change is intended to protect privacy and prevent the misuse of another person’s image. The platform will assess whether the video has been altered, is artificial and whether it has been disclosed. Factors such as the ease of identification of the person in question, the presence of parody or satire and whether it features a public figure or celebrity will also be taken into account.

YouTube gives the alleged infringer 48 hours to respond to the complaint. If the content is removed within that time, the complaint will be closed. Otherwise, YouTube will review it. In addition, YouTube will look for “sensitive behavior,” including crime, violence, promotion of products or political candidates.

The innovation concerns violations of privacy and requires a direct objection from the first person, except in cases involving minors without access to a computer or deceased persons.

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