How to make moon water and instructions for its use

How to make moon water and instructions for its use


Not only is the moon the Earth’s only natural satellite, for centuries the moon has had deep cultural significance and often symbolized the cyclical nature of life.

In astrology, the moon corresponds to a person’s emotions and feelings. It illuminates the inner self and allows for a better understanding of the subconscious.

The moon can illuminate our reactions to certain situations, says Lisa Stardust, astrologer and author. To achieve your goals and desires, you can harness the power of the moon, she says, and manifest them by making moon water.

Here are instructions on how to do this, especially for tonight’s blue moon.

What is moon water?

Moon water is water infused with moonlight. “It’s really easy to make moon water,” explains Stardust. “You can make moon water during any of the eight phases of the moon.”

Typically, people make moon water on a new moon or a full moon, Stardust says. Each phase has its own power and meaning. For example, the new moon is associated with “fresh energy,” Stardust explains. “It’s the beginning of the monthly lunar cycle, so it’s a time when we set our intentions and get the idea out there.”

When you place water outside or on a windowsill, the moon shines its energy onto it. “That gives it a lot of power,” says Stardust. From there, you can use the water to manifest things.

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How to make moon water

The basics of moon water are simple, but the process can be customized depending on your intentions, says Stardust.

First, pour water into any container – a glass, cup or pot will all work. Then place the water outside or near a window. “Even if your window isn’t near the moon, it doesn’t matter because the energy is still strong,” Stardust adds.

Stardust recommends letting the water sit overnight or up to 24 hours. After that time, you will have moon water.

“You can drink it, use it in your bath or shower, or make tea out of it,” explains Stardust. “However you use it, you’re putting your intention into it.” For example, taking a bath with moon water can detoxify your energy and cleanse your aura, says Stardust.

The upcoming blue moon signals reflection and introspection. Read our guide to the blue moon to find out what it means astrologically.

You can make moon water and use it to manifest at any time during the month, advises Stardust.

However, Stardust recommends using moon water on a Monday, “because that is the day of the moon.”

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