possibly a ring of baby call girls on social networks

possibly a ring of baby call girls on social networks

Disturbing news from Riccione. Two men are said to raped and abandoned a 16-year-old girl on the street after consuming a certain amount of drugs with her. The Rimini Public Prosecutor’s Office has opened an investigation against unknown persons for multiple serious gang rape of a minor. Public Prosecutor Davide Ercolani, who is coordinating the investigation, has entrusted the Carabinieri of Riccione with carrying out the investigation, which allegedly relates to a web-based child prostitution ring which came from social networks and in which the 16-year-old girl herself is said to be involved. From the analysis of video cameras in the area where the rape allegedly took place, The The police have already identified the car of the two suspected perpetrators of the violence.

The emergency number 112

After being abandoned on the street, the girl called the emergency number 112 and asked for help. After receiving help from the Carabinieri and the emergency number 118, she was taken to hospital. Medical examinations allegedly confirmed a double sexual assault. The girl said she could not remember anything, but admitted to taking drugs with two men. The Carabinieri found that the alleged rape victim was prostituting herself through some “disguised” pages on social networks, where there was also a “price list”. This circumstance suggested that caution should be taken in conducting the investigation, both to establish the exact dynamics of the facts reported by the girl and to investigate this prostitution activity of minors, given the need to examine the profiles of other young girls. who may be involved in the ring.

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